The wife and Daughter

Getting on my nerves with stupid house hunting, dinners, and renewing wedding vows.

The man's busy.

Without that J O B there'd be no wedding viws, dinners, or stupid house hunting.

Knock off the wife with her awful cooking.


i like joyce. she has lots of interests, and despite her occasional unreasonableness, she and Tom seem very fond of each other. He doesn't mind about her cooking, if he did he wouldn't have married her.


I like Joyce too.
She has a lot of hobbies, supports her husband, visits friends, take care of their home and garden, and seems to be a friendly and kind woman.

I also liked Cully.

I do not like the new Mrs Barnaby. At all.


It's funny, I think I'm just about the only person here that can't stand Joyce and prefers the "new" Mrs. Barnaby. I can't even really pinpoint it, but something about Joyce in general bugged me. Tom wasn't perfect by any means and missed or had to bail out of many engagements, but Joyce sometimes didn't seem happy with Tom no matter what he did. On the other hand, I do actually like and miss Cully!
