
The actor who played Jones is such a nice guy. I can't believe he agreed to let his photo be used in season 18, so the new show's writers/producers/directors could ease the heat they got for making such poor decisions to dumb Jones down and oust him.


He and Troy were my favorites.

He spoke his mind, especially to Neil DRUDGEon.


Do you think the actor may not have wanted to be typecast?


was he dumped? Or did he decide to leave? Is it known for sure?


I haven't been looking at the series very much since John Nettles retired but caught an episode last night and was shocked at Jason Hughes' appearance. He looked ill, tired, depressed and on the verge of a breakdown. There did not appear to be very much empathy between him and Neil Dudgeon either. I do wish him all the very best for the future as he is a lovely actor with a great deal of talent which shouldn't be wasted.


Hi avenger-16

He wrote about how ill he became while working on the show. It was his idea to leave.


I hated that the 'dumbed' Jones character in the 18 season.. They turned him into a dolt. I did hear that he quit due to the long trip he took everyday to and from his home, he's much happier now.


Jones is Warren Jones from This Life.

Love him.
