MovieChat Forums > Midsomer Murders (1998) Discussion > Bella...sometimes Arabella?

Bella...sometimes Arabella?

Has anyone else noticed the repeated use of the name 'Bella' for character names? Usually it's for someone special, a child or mysterious woman... There was a Bella in the first episode. Is this a significant character name from the books? A producer's daughter's name? This may have been discussed before, but I can't find the answer anywhere. For no special reason it's driving me crazy! Thanks! :)


Bella is an usual nickname for Isabella, Anabella and Arabella. Besides, consider how many characters per episode need to be named. There have been several Johns, Marys, Davids, Williams, Elizabeths and Toms as well, for instance. Except every now and then a character being called something more unusual, like Rozetta, it's mostly usual British names circling around.


I had noticed the same thing and wondered the same! I'm hoping for a great answer too. Thanks for asking.


Also, the boat is named Arabella in Dead On The Water


Yes, I made a post here last year regarding the many Bella's and Simon's.


I saw this post back when I started watching the show in August. I made it a point to look for Bellas. You are right! I am on season 9 and there have been many Bellas!
