Not like the book....

This doesn't have the great character development of the book. Nor the scary parts. Kubricks actually seems like a better adaptation than this.


Don't know what you are talking about. Character development is one of the strengths of this movie. Jack's transformation from a nice guy with some issues to a psycho is handled beautifully.


Yes I do. Steven Weber is terrible as Jack Torrance. At least Kubricks had a great actor (Jack Nicholson), even if he didn't seem all that good at the beginning


Well you can arbitrarily say Weber was bad as Jack Torrance all day long, without saying why it doesn't really make for very good discussion. He seemed like what he was supposed to all throughout the movie. His crazy parts may not have been Jack Nicholson but they were convincing nevertheless.

I don't think the mini series is quite as good as the book, but its definitely close enough to where you can't say its not like it.


Agreed 100%


At least in this version we get a gradual transformation from sober nice man to violent alcoholic.


Exactly. The 70s version Jack already seems creepy and crazy


You do realise that almost every single detail in the movie apart from the main plot points were complete opposite from the book.. Kubrick went out of his way the make everythinf different (here is a list of all the thing he changed ( also an incredibly long list))

Also the reason King made this adoption was because he wanted a series that actually was similar to the book.. So I dont know what the holy hell your on about?


Kubricks film was a better adaption?

No, it wasn't. His was like a different story entirely.

A *beep* one at that. The supernatural elements were lame.

Screw him.


Kubrick's film improved upon everything that you'll never understand.
A film NEVER has to be true to the book, Einstein.

The film is rated MUCH higher than the mini-s**tter, on IMDb.
So much for your esteemed opinion.

Kubrick's film - will always be the definitive version of THE SHINING.


Kubrick's film improved upon everything that you'll never understand.
A film NEVER has to be true to the book, Einstein.

Then why do an adaptation at all?


I guess I was hoping this would be a better adaptation than the Nicholson version. The original took all the cool, complicated, developed creepiness out of it and just did a 'I'm going to see ghosts and go psychotic'. I don't view it as a better version.

Some of the things from the book I'm considering: The moving plants out in the courtyard, more 'shining' development, multiple things between Jack's son and Hallorann...notably, Dick tends to present as the me if crap hits the fan.

I'm sure there's more, I haven't read the book in 12 years and I'm due to again, but the original tried to hash'n'slash it too much and took away most of what made the book scary but with intrigue. I haven't watched the remake yet, but I'm going to soon.

I've also heard they were remaking 'IT'....though why I don't understand, as there are roles in the original movie that can't be replaced Tim Curry as Pennywise. I found that movie more true to the book than the Shining has been.


I should hope that this isn't like the book. It would be one of the trashiest novels in history if it was anything like this mini series.


This miniseries is closer to the book as far as character development. It still isn't quite as great as the book.

As far as the 1980 Kubrick version, he took elements of the book and turned it into one frightening movie.
I will admit that I was disappointed in the Kubrick version when I first saw it in the theater back in the 80's. My first thought was, What did they do to this story????
What they did, was to turn it into one scary horror movie. Years later, I can appreciate it for what it is.

As for this miniseries, it really is close to what was written. The Hotel is actually the very Hotel where the whole idea started. Jack and Wendy are exactly portrayed in the same way they were written.
I was disappointed in the actors who portrayed Danny and the cook..... all wrong!

At the end of the day, read the book if you want to be terrified.
Watch Kubrick's 1980's version if you want a fun and scary ride.
Watch the miniseries if you want the essence of the book.
