Rebecca Demornay

rebecca demornay was absouloutley terrible in this film it has to be one of the worst female performances ive seen. And also the kid was terrible beyond words didnt come close to Danny Lloyd


I thought she was great. Definitely truer to the woman King depicted in the novel. Not the mousey, cringing, hysterical milksop that Duval portrayed. You should read the book. Her (Rebecca Demornays') performance was spot on...
That Is One Nutty Hospital!


I haven't seen this version yet (still waiting on it at the Library), but I love Kubrick's movie, and just finished the book. I was shocked at what a departure kubrick's movie was from the book, and I am anxious to see the actual book depicted on screen, since I prefered the story in the book even to Kubrick's movie (which, as I already stated, I love). I always visualize the characters in the books I'm reading, and I easily visualized Jack as Jack Nicholson, and Danny as the actor from the Kubrick movie. However, Shelly Duvall's character didn't fit with the book Wendy at all, so I came here, discovered DeMornay played her in this adaptation, and found she fit MUCH better the character I was reading about! So, for the majority of the book, DeMornay WAS Wendy, just with Nicholson and the other Danny. (I also pictured Hollorann as Morgan Freeman - couldn't help it! ;) )


If you read the book and follow it then you know rebecca follow the chartcer to a tee. Also better then the actress in 1980 verizon


I fully agree. The acting of those two are part of what make this version inferior to Kubrick's version. Otherwise I really like this version.

"Either way its baby stew, which is bad."


You people are crazy...she was the BEST part of the miniseries. You really need to read the book, because she WAS Wendy. Exactly how I had her pictured after reading the book. Shelly Duvall was AWFUL in the movie...a quivering mess.

Danny? The kid in the movie was good but not at all how he was in the book. The kid in the miniseries was a bit more like the book-version...but the actor was so friggin annoying it almost ruined the whole series for me. He spoke like he had a head full of snot. One good sneeze and those ghosts would've ran for the hills.


She looked extremely hot when she tried to seduce Steven Weber (when she hits the bell ring at the counter). Besides that, well...


She was actually one of the only parts of the Mini-Series I preferred to the Kubrick film. (Though I do enjoy both)


She was fine and acts circles around Shelly Duvall. She was the terrible Wendy.

Kubrick should have just followed how SK wrote the character and hired Jessica Lange back in 1980.


Both she and Courtland Meade did far superior acting jobs. Danny Lloyd was actually more how I pictured the Danny of the book visual wise, but how anyone could say his acting was better is beyond me. He seemed like he was reading from cue cards the whole movie. Courtland Meade would not have been my first choice to play Danny but he definitely was the superior actor and its not even close.

The only actor from the Kubrick version I preferred was Scatman Crothers. Melvin Van Peebles was ok but I just don't think he did enough to capture the Halloraan of the book. Even though the mini series was closer to the book I still picture Scatman as Halloraan.


Jessica Lange would have been a great casting choice. well anyone would be an improvement over Shelley Duvall's crybaby moron version of Wendy.

Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan


Rebecca De Mornay was just right as Wendy. Her performance is impressive whether you've read the book or not. She was MILES better than Shelley Duvall;in fact she was the best thing about the miniseries.

The little boy was a good actor as well. He managed to make Tony's dialogue believable without bending his index finger or any other twitches.

Send lawyers,guns and money/The *beep* has hit the fan


Shelley Duvall wasn't good either.
