MovieChat Forums > Bean (1997) Discussion > Why did Bean get arrested..

Why did Bean get arrested..

for tampering with that slow, boring amusement park ride? He improved the experience no end. They should have hired him as an engineer. But, instead, they carted him off to the local cop shop and have that ugly, fat black bloke insult and threaten him?! Talk about ungrateful. JEEZ..

I'm not a troll. What you see above is what I actually feel. Take it or leave it, bub.


He was most likely arrested because his tinkering rendered the ride unsafe for people (notice the one guy who went flying from his seat), and also b/c he had no business messing with it in the first place.




It could have been that the police arrived on the scene, and recognized Bean as being responsible for the incident at the airport.


I STILL say the ride was better. I would LOVE to have been that dude who got tossed off his seat, it would be the greatest thrill of my life. I would have sued the police for wrongful arrest, then I would demand money from the amusment arcade for my brilliant technical achievement. Then I'd spend all the cash on pogs. Cool..


I wish I lived in your fantasy world. It seems AWESOME!!!


Wouldn't be so fun lying there on the ground with a broken arm and nose.


To OP it would.

I am the King of the Internet


It's not about whether the ride was improved or not.

It's about breaking the law. Would you like if I came to your house/apartment unannounced, unlawfully, just as you open your door or something, and start improving everything I see? Oh, that painting needs more mountains in the background. Oh, your computer is running too slow, let me defragment your hard drive and remove the spyware/viruses. Oh, your wardrobe is ugly, let me replace it with what I think is good.

I don't think your attitude would be "You made everything better, that's so great!", but you would want the cops to arrest me as soon as possible.

Same situation, different details.


He isn't supposed to do that, okay?
