MovieChat Forums > Event Horizon (1997) Discussion > Why do they say the ship went to hell?

Why do they say the ship went to hell?

Why is hell the supposed destination that the ship went?

Did it come back posessed by demons? That's the only explanation for the way it influences everyones behaviour if it was the literal hell?

if that was the case what might have happened had the ship been to heaven and back? How did it get "out of hell?"


Essentially Hell in this case is the closest word in English to what they expect to experience. The inside of the black hole is a dimension of pure chaos and debauchery as evidenced by the captain's log. The visions Weir shows Miller at the end further underscore this. It may--or may not--be the literal Hell of the Bible, but it clearly evokes that connotation. That's why the characters say the Event Horizon went to Hell

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.


I get that but it was a interesting choice of words..

If it was the actual Hell of the Bible why didn't Satan hitch a lift LOL?

I mean a free spaceship lands in hell and he doesn't think "ticket out of here"


Maybe Satan possessed Weir at the end and planned to use the ship to snag further hapless souls into Hell with him.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.


Just FYI, Satan isn't in Hell in the Bible the way he's depicted in a million movies and cartoons. It is a place of punishment he will eventually go after his time is up, but the concept that he is the king of the underworld right now (like the old phrase, better to rule in hell than serve in heaven) isn't scriptural.



I didn't think it was the inside if the black hole where the evil existed. I thought the black hole was just the portal to another dimension where the evil existed.


That's something I find interesting too. The ship never made it to where it was suppose to originally go. So that means it disappeared into this chaotic dimension and then somehow escaped, appearing elsewhere in the universe.

Another interesting thing to think about is that crazy stuff only seem to start happening after Justin sees the core 'activate'. So was it the activation that brought 'hell' onto the ship, or was 'hell' always there from the moment they stepped onto the ship.


Another interesting thing to think about is that crazy stuff only seem to start happening after Justin sees the core 'activate'. So was it the activation that brought 'hell' onto the ship, or was 'hell' always there from the moment they stepped onto the ship.
Stark was picking up traces of life readings all over the ship, but couldn't pin down where they were (the implication being that the ship itself was "alive"). One interpretation is that the ship had become a host to some kind of malevolent entity (or entities) that had infected it like a virus, and also later possessed Weir (the most emotionally damaged person on board, and therefore the easiest target). It activated the core to drag Justin into the hell dimension it came from, then sent him back, traumatised and half-insane, in order to wage psychological warfare on the rest of the crew. Then it went to work on the rest of them, and found Weir, Peters and Miller to be the most susceptible to its influence.

So yes, "hell" (or a denizen of same) was present on the ship from the beginning, just waiting for them to step on board...


Hell didnt send Justin back, the tether he was attached to pulled him back out with the help of Cooper which created a gravity wave through the ship damaging it even more and damaging the L&C




Because it did?


It went to a time that existed before light and dark and contained an "entity" that did hitch a ride back with the ship. From the book if I remember right.


It went to a time that existed before light & dark and seems to have a lot of ass play with some torture thrown in.... in other words The Spanish Inquisition ?

Can you see?


What makes people think that Hell has to be depicted the same way, every time?

Since no one living really knows what Hell is like, it can be depicted in any way we like basically.

The ship came back infused with Evil, literally.

As to how it came back, who knows? Its most likely so the Evil evil!
By reappearing as a longtime missing & well-loved ship in trouble, it would attract new victims to torment.

And it did.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.



Many here say that the events only started after Justin was sucked in the "black hole", but if I recalled correctly, Weir was having nightmares/hallucinations (obviously related, since they are "eyeless")way waaay before they even went near the Event Horizon. How is this possible?


Many here say that the events only started after Justin was sucked in the "black hole", but if I recalled correctly, Weir was having nightmares/hallucinations (obviously related, since they are "eyeless")way waaay before they even went near the Event Horizon. How is this possible?

Good question. Weir built the ship so maybe he was infected with evil all along.


the ship reached out to Weir because he was the most connected to it of all people on Earth. So connected to it he neglected his wife to the point he drove her to suicide.


Hell is only a word, reality is much much worse.

Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.
