MovieChat Forums > Event Horizon (1997) Discussion > Unanswered question / plot issue

Unanswered question / plot issue

One question they never seemed to address -

After the Lewis & Clarke is damaged, they all board the EH. As far as I can tell, the only nonfunctional system mentioned was the communication system, not the conventional impulse drive.

Why not fire up the EH's stasis beds and ride the EH back to Earth? We saw Starke, Cooper, and Justin using them at the end, so they must have been functional. It was designed to carry a 20+ member crew back to Earth using the conventional drive, so it should have had provisions.

Any explanation - bad nutrients, insufficient time to prep, the EH was locked in a doomed orbital trajectory, the primary impulse drives were depolarized, quarantine protocol, structural damage due to the gravity drive or an errant asteroid, ANYTHING.

Jake Meridius Conhale, at your service!
"Old Man" of the BSG (RDM) boards.


I may be remembering wrong but they needed more oxygen scrubber tank thingies.


They didn't know what had happened to the EH. Why would you want to hop on board a space craft for a voyage without figuring out why the crew has vanished and what happened to the ship?


The plan was to take the Lewis and Clarke back home with them but it obviously was destroyed by Weir. They then make the plan to use the forward decks as a lifeboat by destroying the ship. If Weir didn't activate the gravity drive then I'm sure they'd have discussed the option to use the Event Horizon to get home.


I don't think this is a "plot issue."

Something went wrong on the EH and the whole crew ended up dead. Even if they could get it working again, there's no way they'd want to go into hyper sleep on this ship which mysteriously disappeared and then returned with a dead crew (some of them don't even want to set foot on the EH). Everyone (save Weir), would much rather go home on the L&C since that ship is "safe."

When that's no longer an option, they decide to blow the connecting section of the EH and use the life-raft. That seems like a safer option since it cuts them off from the Gravity Drive which everyone suspects somehow killed the crew. Even if they don't believe the supernatural stuff, they know that everything was going fine on the EH's first voyage UNTIL THEY ACTIVATED THE GRAVITY DRIVE. I certainly wouldn't want to make a long trip home with that thing if I could help it.


Well it wasnt the only damage, the CO2 filters were damaged and i think one other thing in addition to the communication. But I suppose they could have just went to stasis but they didnt finish the mission yet, they were waiting to see the crew log and by the time they do Weir goes crazy
