Main corridor(s)

The movie seems to imply there is only one main corridor on the ship but you clearly see 5 corridors from the outside and in the Justin Airlock scene.
So if there are 5 corridors, are there 5 meat grinder and five gateways? The inside doesnt match the outside.

Plus the main corridor ends at the meat grinder tunnel right? So how do you get to the other engineering decks, like the sublight engine decks. Once again the outside of the ship doesnt match the inside with the cooridors or engineering. I assume there are 2 engineering rooms but we never see the decks where the ships wings attach to. However we do see the higher levels around the gateway engineering room which dont have windows I dont think yet there was lightning up there, weird.


Why was there still lightning on the crew log tape? They were suppose to be in hell not in Neptunes atmosphere. Plus the Event Horizon wasnt even in Neptunes atmosphere back when the old crew activated the drive. It slowly was in a decaying orbit 7 years later.

So shouldnt there have been an orange or red glow from the windows not lightning? Unless the crew killed each other after they came back or something?
