Warp Drive explaination

Somebody can help me? I saw EH today and when Dr. Weir explained how the warp drive works I got a déjà vu. I believe watched something like that on another movie. Somebody did know another sci-fi movie with a explaination like that?


I think a similar theory/explanation was given in Stargate.


They did the same explanation in interstellar.


Yes, Interstellar, that is it!



Did they call it a warp drive? It was some sort of jump drive, he shows with the paper and the pencil that the engine tunnels instantly to it's destination by entering a tear in spacetime.

A warp drive is an engine that creates a bubble of gravity in front of the ship and the ship continually falls in to this like the carrot-on-the-stick propelling the ship forwards like a regular vessel.

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You've probably seen it in EVERY SINGLE FILM that tries to explain worm holes
