MovieChat Forums > Event Horizon (1997) Discussion > Favorite non-scary scene?

Favorite non-scary scene?

The introduction scene I really like, and there's one more - when Weir shows Stark and Miller the gateway sphere and starts describing it in detail. As Weir starts to go around the sphere, he tells Stark and Miller, 'Well, you can come on down, there's no danger.' I always liked that scene.


For me it's probably when DJ comes walking into the medical bay holding some equipment and Justin's on the table having a seizure. The nonchalant way that Jason Isaacs drops the things he's holding looks really cool.


How about when he radios in that weir has planted a bomb on the ship ' no i just put it together'! Than frantically searches


My favorite is when they watch the captains log mutilation video the captain shuts it off and says "we're leaving"
I lol every time


hahaha... I agree. A very underrated horror film. I believe the video game "Dead Space" was inspired by this movie. I finally got around buying the Blu-Ray a few days ago.


That was exactly my thought when I played it. I'd seen it compared to Alien and such but Event Horizon was the first thing that popped into my head when I played it.


That ship's log is the most terrifying thing I've seen in film, period. 2005's Amityville Horror remake came a close second. I love the argument that followed betwixt Miller and Weir. Gotta hand it to both of them, esp Miller, they've got balls!

'Rescue the crew and salvage what's left of the ship. The crew are dead, Doctor. Your ship killed them.'

'We came here to do a job!'

'We're aborting, Doctor!'

Stunning. No wonder he made a perfect Morpheus.


The opening scene with the Event Horizon and the planet with the thunderstorms was pretty amazing. The scene introducing the Lewis Clark with that weird camera move was a bit silly in comparison.


Mr. Cool Miller getting freaked out by a floating glove always cracks me up.
