Eyes in the monitor

In the beginning when wier walks towards the girl that is in the chair. The with no eyes. The blank monitor has a set of eyes that appear to be in the screen. Was that ever explained. It freaks me out whenever I see it.

To Boldly Go Where Phil Coulson Has Gone Before


I think the theory was that they are Cptn Millers on like a paused screen before a complete fade out. However, if I remember right they supposedly filmed with all the screens black and added CGI to all of them in post, they missed a couple screens here and there if you can catch them.


Not sure I follow? Captain Miller's not in the movie at this point, he only turns up later. So they cannot be his eyes?

I've seen EH a good few times over the decades but only noticed this creepy eye reflection last night, have come onto the boards to see if anyone else has discussed them


They are when Weir is dreaming about waking up from the chryotube and wondering the L&C, Miller had already been in the movie, that is his ship.


If I didn't know better, I'd say it was just something they put in for your peripheral vision and subconscious to pick up on for creepy value.

It works...


I've seen this movie a bunch of times over the years, but I watched it again today and saw those eyes for the first time. It was incredibly creepy. I always focused on the lady, but right behind her are the white eyes, just staring out at you.

Nice touch, whoever put them there.


I am pretty sure they are stickers. This screen is full of stickers if you look well, it could simply be part of the set, to give an aspect worn/used of the control panels of the ship. The "eyes" can be seen in the next cut, but they are blurry (like the rest of that screen).


I've seen this movie so many times and only just noticed them for the first time today. Creepy.


That was definitely disturbing. Just finished watching it after 10+ years, and had to rewind that part to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

Rats, I was hoping someone would know what was up with that, lol.

Listen! Do you smell something?
