MovieChat Forums > Face/Off (1997) Discussion > How did Castor Troy survive getting shot...

How did Castor Troy survive getting shot with the spear gun?

If he was saying ready for the big ride baby, that means that he survived. How did he survived getting impaled by the spear?


He was clearly dying. The big ride to the afterlife is what he was referring to.


So he didn't survive. Correct?


Correct. Sean comes back at the end looking like John Travolta again. Greatest plastic surgeons in the world.


So if I understood correctly Castor Troy died. He didn't survive. It's just that Sean got his face back in the end. It's not that Castor Troy survived. Castor Troy died. Correct?




Jesus christ, how many fucken times is he going to ask..!?!?


Castor died, then the surgeons put Archer's face back on Archer and that is why you see John Travolta at the end but he isn't playing the same character.




Travolta is playing Sean Archer in the final scene.


i think John was feeling under the weather that day and Cage stepped in to film his scenes for him


No one survives being impaled by a spear gun.. No one


"If he was saying ready for the big ride baby, that means that he survived."

Please elaborate.


They wheeled Archer into the ambulance right next to Castor Troy who had a bandage strapped to the spot where he was shot by the spear gun. So I guess that was to hold him together until the hospital.

If he was dead I think they would have put him in a bodybag, and not given him a couple pillows for his head.

Him surviving a spear gun shot is probably the least unbelievable thing in this film.


They didn't put him in a body bag because they still needed Archer's face for the operating room to re attach it. Why put him in a body bag if he's going straight to surgery?


A lot of times bodies go straight to the coroner as well, they still go in body bags, it is unpleasant for people to stair at a corpse and also smells, liquids pouring out. Like I said he gets buckled in and has a bandage on his wound and also pillows for his head and is upright. We also dont know how many days later they go to do the face surgery, they had to find a doctor who could do such a thing because the last one was killed. They literally just found out that Archer was in Troys body, so its not like they knew what to do.


Yeah, but the thing is they still had to remove Archer's face from Castor's body before the tissue completely spoils and the lack of blood flow begins to deteriorate the face, otherwise the body is going to reject it if the tissue is not reattached immediately (going by real life scenarios), or the face is not preserved in that liquid container we saw earlier in the film. Taking it to the morgue and putting it into a freezer for a few days is not going to preserve the face, it won't be salvageable after that. Even if they didn't put Castor in the freezer, it would still be pointless to take him to the morgue/coroner since they have to retrieve the face as fast as possible for the surgery/or preservation until surgery..... that's what I'm getting at. As for Castor being propped up in the ambulance, not sure what that was all about.... who knows.


There is nothing that says he is dead in the film. No one references it, he was harpooned and showed with a bandage on that wound in the ambulance while laying with pillows under his head. I think they were showing he was still alive so the surgery was possible. They are planning a sequel with Cage so obviously they dont think he died either, still no clue why people think he died when they survived crazier shit in the film, actually his first defeat by archer was pretty wild in the hanger.


If he is, cool. I was just pointing some things out, with a harpoon injury like that it seems unlikely and very severe but who knows. Although they could go the cheap route and say it's some lost or unknown twin brother crap, but I hope they don't do that, and we get the actual Castor Troy. Is John Woo going to direct the sequel? It seems he's making movies again in the states.


Another great question is where was the scar that Castor put on his face right before he died?
