MovieChat Forums > Gattaca (1997) Discussion > Why is Irene a valid if she has the hear...

Why is Irene a valid if she has the heart condition??

I understand Vincent was valid because he used the genes from Jerome but why was Irene considered a valid even though she revealed to Vincent later she had a heart condition?? NEver got that part..


Well I don't think she was an astronaut, so her heart condition didnt matter.

I never understood what valid vs invalid meant though. Did it mean that he wasnt an active employee, or did it mean that he had a lot of genetic issues? If its the second option, where is the cutoff between valid and invalid?


"Valid" in the world of Gattaca means "genetically engineered before birth/at conception", which had become the norm in Vincent's era. It's the opposite of "faith birth" or "God-child". However, being genetically engineered at conception does not guarantee that you'll be free from (genetic/biological) flaws at birth; the (reach of the) technology was simply not perfect, even though the arrogant policy makers of the Gattaca world were convinced that it was. Another example is Dr. Lamar's son, who was "not all that they promised".

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Even among valids there was a pecking order. Irene was probably a middle level valid. It guaranteed her a piece of a valid world pie but not the bigger piece that would have gone to a higher level valid.
