MovieChat Forums > The Jackal (1997) Discussion > Spent whole film being annoyed from diss...

Spent whole film being annoyed from disservice to original.

Original film had an intelligent story line with brilliant acting. Only decent actors in this were Richard Gere and Sidney, even though Gere's character seemed to be propaganda for a terrorist organisation. Remember how president Bush said if any person in any country has anything to do with terrorism in any form, and that country doesn't act against those people, then the whole country is against the USA? That part of the film shows how hypocritical the USA was before 9/11.

Apart from that, Bruce ran around shooting like one of his mindless action characters in other films. I actually got bored half way through and turned over for a while because it seemed to lose all form of storyline, until deciding to give it another chance to watch the rest. Reenactment of the original film scene where he was pretending to be gay to hide out at another gay man's house became a little better, but it didn't improve much.

Then I read a review about how another person approached it as a parody, which made it actually funny and I could see their point.


It sounds like you wanted to see the original Jackal. Why watch a remake if you get annoyed that it doesn't follow word for word of the original movie?

Halfway through the movie you claim you got bored because it didn't follow the original plot line exactly... Not really a valid criticism if you ask me. It followed many details, but the problem is you didn't want to like a remake unless it was a carbon copy.

Bruce Willis didn't go around wildly shooting his gun throughout the movie either. In fact, the movie was over halfway done before the first shot was even fired out of a gun.

This is a good movie if you stop rolling your eyes every time a scene is different from an older version, and take it as its own interpretation of the same story.
