MovieChat Forums > The Jackal (1997) Discussion > Jack Black says, 'It's a fxxxin' mo-tro!...

Jack Black says, 'It's a fxxxin' mo-tro!'

He says this when The Jackal uncovers the cannon. What the heck is Jack Black saying?

reply says he is saying, "Its a *beep* monstrum!"

but that is definitely not correct!!!!

I have watched it on DVR 50 times and I still cannot figure out what he is saying. It sounds like he is saying, "boat troll" to me. who knows?


Well, I'm hoping someone on this board knows! Like you, I've listened to it often and can't make it out.


I watched the scene with subtitles. The subtitles say it's unintelligble.


Yeah, I've seen that also. But I'm hoping that somebody can recognize what he's saying.


is it not an abbreviation for

reMOte conTROl?

that's what i thought. not saying it's right or anything.




Its a fxxking MO TRO

re'MO'te con'TRO'l <--

Just a super geeky jack black improv probly, meaning to say "its a *beep* remote control!"

I never gave much thought to it. You understand that what he's saying is meant to be some cryptic tech/geek jargon only tiny segments of viewers would get. His tone and physical performance sells the laugh the audience should get from the line. *should*

I do. :)


MOntrous TROll!!!!!!!!!


lol just awesome :)


I think it could be 'It's a *beep* Mole Troll' as in a beast of a gun... Google it... I could be completely wrong though! lol

'Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day'


I thought the last two words were "mouth drool".

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."

