MovieChat Forums > The Jackal (1997) Discussion > Highly underrated movie in my opinion

Highly underrated movie in my opinion

When I first saw this movie in the theater, I wasn't impressed. I don't know why, except I think at the time it was a role I just wasn't accustomed to seeing Bruce Willis play.

Anyway, after seeing this movie again recently, it now ranks for me as one of the top Bruce Willis movies not named Die Hard. It really is a very tense, suspenseful thriller with good performances from everyone. I especially appreciate NOW what a great job Bruce Willis did playing a cold-hearted, sociopathic assassin.

The ending is still kind of lame, especially when Isabella shows up seemingly out of nowhere, but that doesn't ruin the entire movie.


I just saw this and sort of agree that it was better than expected but like most people have said (including yourself) the ending was a bit of a joke with Isabella.

However, Willis, Poitier and Verona were excellent - Gere was definitely the weak link. Verona should've lived but another stupid point was how all the paramedics were just standing around doing nothing while she was dying.

There are other stupid bits too like the whole contrived gay scene (Willis could've just broken into any random house and done the same thing) as well as the speed in which he sprayed all the paint off his car in the car park.


If you judge this movie on solely can you watch a 3rd, 4th , 5th time , you watch it.
Try watching Titanic 5times, or inception, or avatar. I can't watch those movies 5times.
But if you are just home on a saturday morning. There are worse choices than this on cable.


I would enjoy seeing a flick in which Willis' Jackal for some reason set out to assassinate an at-large Hopkins Hannibal Lecter. That would be entertaining. Steve V.


I think it's quite underrated too. I liked how it was really (surprisingly) dark, and like you said, I was impressed with Willis' portrayal. He was really evil and creepy. It wasn't a perfect movie, but it was very entertaining, and because it was darker than expected it separated it from similar run-of-the-mill thrillers.


The most evil character in the movie was the Russian brother who takes an axe to the head of his associate for not killing a pig when his brother was killed. He unfortunately was only in the movie for 5 minutes. He made me think I was in for something pretty cool then was sorely disappointed.


i used to think this movie was solid many years ago and on some re-watches but i just finished re-watching it again just now (Aug 23rd 2015) and i no longer care for the movie at this point as it's not a movie ill re-watch anymore.

5/10 (Thumbs Down)

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