MovieChat Forums > The Jackal (1997) Discussion > Better than the 1973 Original?

Better than the 1973 Original?

Personally, I don't think this movie is better than the 1973 original. That was an exciting thriller movie, where the characters were actually smart, who knew what they were doing every step. This movie was absurd and unbelievable; the characters did only what was necessary to move the story through action scenes.
The Original Jackal, the blonde englishman played by Edward Fox, was an effective and spooky villain. Bruce Willis has played too many goofy and unrealistic hit-men over the course of his life to remain effective at it.
And man, did they leave stuff out! Why was the Bruce Willis character posing as a homosexual? I mean, how he satisfies himself is his own business, but shouldn't a man of his talents set apart some private time for chasing tail, instead of doing it while planning an assassination? In the original, there was a reason for it; he was posing as a gay french man because everybody was looking for him under the premise that he had raped and murdered a countess. (Who suspects a gay guy of doing that, right?)
The original had an arms dealer, but that arms dealer was smarter (he didn't ask the kind of questions guaranteed to get you killed) and built a realistic, compact .223 assassin's weapon, not some gigantic, hard-to-move 14.2mm cannon that sticks out like a sore thumb and needs a minivan to move around.
The original also had a forger who prepared his false documents, (which you kinda need if you're moving illegaly between countries, right?) and it was THIS guy who's stupidity got him killed.
I just can't stand it when people try to improve on old movies by re-rendering them in a contemporary setting. I guess I've got to accept that there will be bad remakes out there; just look at this movie. But there are good remakes, too; like the new Thomas Crown Affair. Wasn't as good as the original, but at least it was entertaining, in its own right.
Anyone else think this movie can't hold a candle to the original?


He hit on the gay guy so he could get his parking permit to allow him to leave the minivan in sight of the hospital.


The main reason behind doing remakes is to jump on the bandwagon of previous successes, less risk for the financiers etc, if done properly can be entertaining like you say.
Personally I think the contradiction here is that the Jackals employer wants to make a public statement but why on such a comparatively low profle target with no obvious gain except the satisfaction of revenge? The original version, as far as I remember, had no such plot, the assassin was being paid to oust a political figure (DeGaulle) and presumably there was some percieved gain to be had.
Despite some of the violence I thought it was quite a watchable movie and I think has done a good job of updating the original but not replacing it.


You're absolutely right. I have just nothing to add.


Sry,but the original is kinda better...And the book is the BEST!


The Original is so much better then the remake that there is no comparasion.


The remake pisses on the original, which is kinda crap.


I assume you didn't read the book...Trust me,original is better,darker,deeper with more value.


"The remake pisses on the original, which is kinda crap."

You're right, oversimplified B action movie material with no realism is the way to go.


The remakes are worst than originals in the most cases.
But this is definately the WORST remake ever; it's within my top 10 list of the worst movies ever.
Movie remakes compared to original


Edward Fox is just simply breathtaking in the original. The remake is good though, i admit.


i give the original a 4/5, but i like this a little better: 4.5/5



Agree. This is really just a monumentally sucky vanity vehicle for Bruce when he could still convince studios to overlook Hudson Hawk/Bonfire when he still had another one-note McLane piece of over-milked wank in the can. Oh Bruce was SO obviously Forsyth's man, with his wife-beater collection outnumbering his facial expressions, and the eloquence and emotional range of that weary sigh and s-l-o-w-i-n-g d-o-w-n as his only way to alter phrasing or emphasis. And that subtle yet so effectively convincing us of the character's cool and superior intelligence, the charm and the icy calm threat! It would be quite appalling enough on its own but needs to be compared for the sheer crappy awfulness to be fully revealed.

When morning comes twice a day or not at all


As I said on the other thread, my biggest gripe with the movie was that the Jackal did too many stupid things for a supposedly super-efficient assassin. The original Jackal killed people when he had to, but in quiet ways, he didn't leave a trail of bloody bullet-shredded bodies behind him, nor did he give the police any taunts or clues that could lead to his death or arrest. He certainly wasn't dumb enough to engage FBI Agents in a shootout in public before the job was completed. Nor did he leave the plans to the weapon he built or other incriminating stuff (the reason he killed the gunsmith in this film) for the FBI to find.

Still, it's a pretty good film, but the original is WAY better.

"We start by recognizing that, after De Gaulle, we are the two most powerful people in France."


The Day of the Jackal (1973) is a masterpiece, The Jackal (1997) is mediocre at its best.
Edward Fox is breathtaking in the original.

"What If" is a game for scholars.
Timothy Dalton, The Lion in Winter (1968)


Yes, and this movie was so terrible that the makers of the original successfully sued so that this one wouldn't be called "The Day of the Jackal." This one is so pathetic that it doesn't even deserve to be called "The Jackal"... it is just a dog...


the day of the jackal is ok but relies too much of the presence of edward fox (whose career came to nothing by the way) and seems a little dated now. the jackal has 2 big stars to share the load and hired quality support in sidney poitier which disguises a daft script! but the new one is better overall, more entertaining.


The original was a well written investigative spy-type chase movie. This one was just a cheap action movie and an excuse to have a couple scenes with Richard Gere and that damned machine gun.

I felt the same way watching the Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movies. The original Mission Impossible was all about spy stuff and made you think. Tom Cruise's movies were action flicks and in some cases ended up like a Scoopy Doo episode unmasking someone every 5 minutes.
