MovieChat Forums > The Jackal (1997) Discussion > Hi- jackers???? Spoiler

Hi- jackers???? Spoiler

I watched this movie for the first time on tv and I don't know if I missed something or they cut something out. When The Jackal realizes he is being followed by hi-jackers and washes his van and sprays the chemical on the door locks, one of the hi-jackers dies. It then went to a commercial and there was never another mention of the other hi-jackers... What happened to them???? It's like they just got scared and quit pursuing????


I wondered about that too; the guy in the garage clearly dies but what about the other two??

Given the way the editing (or screenplay) jumped around I just assumed that it was another of those 'gaps' we had to fill in; that The Jackal killed the other two, him being such a pro hitman...

Not that he could hit Richard Gere at the boat-yard, from only about 30 feet, and with a clear line of sight, and having the initiative, and with plenty of time to consider the shot. Sigh.



It showed them following him into the lobby of that building and him losing them as he looks down at them from the elervator he escapes on....How could you miss that?


uh, the female major was about to shoot bruce willis, i don't think that makes it a clear shot.


Yeah I suppose they leave that to your imagination ? I had the movie on video its much better without commercials. I suppose one possibilty is that the jackal being a master of disguise lost the charlie murdock look and became somebody else and after the cops had cleared away the dead hi jacker and his pals dispersed he got back in the minivan and disappeared ?


We're simply not told, all we are shown is that A. one of them dies and B. they don't get the gun. Bit of a bad day at the office.


The film is a turd, don't try and understand it, you'll hurt yourself. It's awful.

"Take up our quarrel with the foe: to you from failing hands we throw the torch."
