Male witch?

This is in the fairy story which is mentioned several times. I would have thought it would be a wizard or sorcerer as from what I understand witches are always thought to be women.


The story she talks about throughout the movie is Baba Yaga, which is a Slavic folk tale about a witch. Baba Yaga is a female, I think you misunderstood the story. Many plot aspects of this film are based on the tale.


Dev does describe Baba Yaga as being male though, it's possible she misunderstood or misheard the story but more likely that she just found a male witch more interesting

witches are almost always portrayed as female but not always

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."


Actually baba means "old woman", yaga was her name.


Crone is more accurate translation of baba. And he's not supposed to be baba yaga at any rate. Movie also alludes heavily at little red riding hood, with her having to take cookies, not to grandma, but to sell, all while wearing red beret. All of this is to make him appear predatory and her even more innocent. There are also some elements of hansel and gretel in there.

Just like how he's not a crone, he's also not a wolf.
