MovieChat Forums > Liar Liar (1997) Discussion > First movie that made me cynical

First movie that made me cynical

I have to say, this movie marks the beginning of my Stan Marsh (everything is crap) moment.

I don't like this movie. It has too many blatant and obvious gags meant to get cheap laughs. I am the only one of my friends to dislike this movie. While I like Jim Carey in Ace Ventura, this didn't do it for me. The lawyer aspect was too convenient. The casting of the kid was so cliche it made me want to vomit. I don't know. I never found this movie entertaining and I was 14 when I saw this. I should like this movie, it has all the components of a movie I should like (especially at 14). But I just couldn't take it. This movie was the first movie to give me that cynical feeling.


*cue "Steamy Nicks" *


I see your point but a cheap laugh is better than no laugh. The expression 'laugh out loud' has become a cliche in recent years but this is one of the few movies that actually made me sore from laughter. I don't know why because you're not wrong in what you say but it just made me laugh. On the other hand I just never got Ace Ventura, the character was retarded to point that went beyond a joke. Each to their own I suppose.

Yours sincerely, General Joseph Liebgott


"Rational Skeptic" = "Rational Denier" = an oxymoron.

If you are rational, you can never be a denier.

Btw, what you are saying is erroneous in many ways (you misspelled "Jim Carrey", for example), and not very rational, either.

So this was the FIRST movie that made you cynical, then you became non-cynical (naive?) again, and then you saw a SECOND movie that also made you cynical, and so on?

So you have a SERIES of changes from non-cynical to cynical? Were there movies that turned you back from being cynical, or how did this progression happen? Do people really wobble between cynical and non-cynical this much, that they can just pinpoint the FIRST movie that made them that way?

Can you now tell us the movies that made you the opposite of cynical (whatever that may be)? That had to happen, if this is the FIRST movie that made you cynical.

Otherwise, it would just be _THE_ movie that made you cynical.
