MovieChat Forums > The Night Flier (1998) Discussion > Julie Entwisle's terrific legs

Julie Entwisle's terrific legs

It's not often you see a beautiful, hot brunette with dark eyes, what a lot people like to label as, the French-Canadian girl look. It's a descriptive reference typically towards a young, Caucasian woman who has very dark hair and dark eyes, whether she is French-Canadian or not. There was the same type of actress in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

In the beginning of the movie, we see Julie Entwisle dressed in a pink business suit with a matching short skirt. This was the late 1990s and short skirts for the workplace were all the fashion. Julie shows us that she has fabulous, shapely legs. Better yet, she's wearing pantyhose so that her legs take on a sexy, shimmery look. You gotta be a man to understand where I'm coming from in this post. Go back and put the dvd or vhs on and you'll see what I mean.

I still don't understand what made Julie Entwisle drop out of acting after only two movies. Even marriage to director Mark Pavia shouldn't have caused that unless he was one of those real controlling types. Everyone who's watched The Night Flier in the past commented on how much they like Julie Entwisle. Something else must have happened to her.

If anyone knows the truth, let us know. No jokes or false information, okay?



Has she dropped out of acting? that's a shame, she is a naturally gifted performer and stunningly beautiful!


She's lovely and looks like Phoebe Cates (I believe that's who the OP was referring to with his mention of the actress in "Fast Times At Ridgemont High"). But she can't act and her character in "The Night Flier" was pointless.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


She looked great in this.


She's a lovely woman and is appealing in the movie. Too bad her career didn't take off.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!
