5,5 rating?

I watched The Night Flier yesterday afternoon, it's one of the best vampire flicks I've ever seen, a brilliant script and Miguel Ferrer is first class as the obssessd reporter on the hunt for Dwight Renfield and ultimately the front page of Inside View.

I can't fault any of the performances, Micheal H Moss is fantastic as the vampire but it's Miguel who steals the show with a gritty, honest and believable performance as Richard Dees.

My only problem with the film is the finale and the dream sequence, obviously Dees was not responsible for the murders of all those people in the airport lounge so why did Dwight set him up knowing the Police would inevitably kill him? Remember Renfield said he didn't want to see him dead because the world needs people like Dees..


right on man. The coolest thing about this movie to me is it falls into a category I like to call "Sleepover movies" These are movies that just seem like you would have seen them at a friend's sleepover in 5th grade or what not. Coincidentaly I did see this at a friend's sleepover, but you know what I meen....



I agree. This is one of my favorite vampire movies of all time . . . one of only two or three of this genre that has genuinely sent a shiver down my spine. I'm shocked that it's rated so low. Miguel Ferrer thoroughly dominates this film, elevating it to instant classic. The story is involving, the terror is palpable, and there's a sense of gravitas to the proceedings that the average modern hipster vampire film sorely lacks. This is a vampire movie that delivers the goods, when so many (if not most) others try but fail. Great acting and script, some delicious gore, a frightening villain, and a very un-PC protagonist. All of this places it directly in the category of great, overlooked gems.

As for the ending, I thought it was clever and ironic, without trying too hard, as many movies do. I feel that most people instantly reject the ending of a movie if it's not typical or expected, if they don't immediately understand it, or if it doesn't jive with their own (sometimes subconscious) idea of how things should turn out. To me, the ending of The Night Flier is audacious, refusing to tie things up in a neat bow, refusing to restore order or logic to the world. I dig it.


I thought this film was quite well done. Ferror was first-rate as Dees. I give it an 8 out of 10.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


It's almost a 6 now, and I think it's the appropriate rating.
The Night Flier is not a bad movie, but not a good one either.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)
