The ending

Why does everybody think that when the vampire reveals his face in the end that it the graveyard attendant. It is clearly not the same person, I froze the frame and compared to make sure it wasn't me because so many people said it was the same person. People also think the vampire was all in Richard Dees imagination and that he was the killer. If so why did the girl see him too? That make no sense to me since all the people were dead before he got there and even in the end when they kill Dees the wounds from the vampire's giant fangs were still there and seen buy the police and the girl. In the book he was real and yes I know the movie was a different interpretation, but I thought is was obvious. I find it hard to believe so many people could not follow such a simple movie. Some threads even suggest that the vampire was the Angel of Death and Dees just happen to be in the wrong places at the wrong time. I see all these theories with deep meanings and metaphors for the ending and I just think people are just seeing so much when there is nothing there.


The night flier is a vampire. Dees gets a "taste" of hell, compliments of the night flier, and loses his mind. He gets killed by police and Jimmy sees the real night flier, proving to the audience he was a real vampire.

This isnt a film that had a lot of subtext and deep metaphors lol imo


I agree, no angel or death or imagination, it was a vampire that killed everywhere he landed his plane. I was wondering if the forensics that did the autopsy on the bodies notice that the victims were dead before they got hit with the ax...
