MovieChat Forums > The Night Flier (1998) Discussion > The next Stephen King Film? What you say...

The next Stephen King Film? What you say?

There's been a bit of a lull in films based on Stephen King Novels of late. The 2000's have been nothing like the hay day of the 1980-90's. Okay there was the bit hit and miss (like a number of the film adaptations :) "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" TV series. But looking through the books that have been change to film got me thinking, what would I like to see adapted next? (Yeah I know its a scary thought, theres been some doosies.... TommyKnockers / Riding the Bullet anyone??) With the so so efforts aside and if "King" was put in charge of screen writing, they got a decent producer, decent director, decent budget and aimed for a cinema release?? Now I don't claim to have read every single "King" book in the known universe but from what I have read my suggestions are:
The Dark Tower, as a lord of the rings style saga.
Or my number one choice: Cell (A fantastically creepy book that if treated right could be an equally fantastically creepy movie!)

What you say?

I recently watched the film "The Signal" ( and wanted to stop by and recommend it to anyone who wants to see a screen version of "The Cell'.
Plot: "A horror film told in three parts, from three perspectives, in which a mysterious transmission that turns people into killers invades every cell phone, radio, and television".
Thoroughly gruesome fun :)


The Dark Tower books as well as Cell are already being made into films.

>Insert Signature Here<


I read Cell and really enjoyed it.

However, I bet the film version will end up being just another clichéd zombie movie.

Which is pretty sad because the people who had gone mad in the book weren't technically zombies (although, they do have a zombie-like feel to them). I don't even recall any of them eating another human--I bet you money, though, that the movie will have them cannibalizing people.

But I hope I'm wrong and that the movie turns out to be very good. The potential is there, I just hope that the film makers use it right.

"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel


That's also my major fear, lets just hope they don't balls it up. Has sooo much potential it hurts! Anyway if they trash it, there's always the brilliant book to fall back on!


I believe "Gerald's Game" is the oldest of his novels yet to be filmed. Then probably the next two oldest would be "Insomnia" (which I disliked with a passion, but who knows, maybe it will make an excellent movie) and "The Regulators." As we all know the number of crappy SK film adaptations FAR outweighs the good ones but hopefully we're due for a good one in the near future =^)


I hope Darabont gets The Long Walk rolling soon. That would be sweet to see. I also think Duma Key would be an awesome movie. Cell could be good in the right hands. The Dark Tower series probably won't be good. Just think about it. They are going to need to spend tons and tons of cash to make it. So there is no way a studio is going to risk releasing it as an R-rated picture (which is the only way these films should be done). They are going to push for PG-13 to ensure they make money back, and in the process they are going to end up sacrificing some of the darker elements of the series. I'm not just talking gore and cursing, but the overall atmosphere and tone. Who knows, though. Maybe J.J. Abrams will make it good. Star Trek was the only film of the series I even enjoyed.


Duma Key would make for an excellent film. One of his best books, imo. I hope the Under the Dome mini-series gets rolling, because that would be amazing.

I'd love The Night Flier to get a proper movie release as well.

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?


And Rose Madder.

...just sayin'...
