The Sequel!

This site has some info on the rumour of a sequel to "Night Flier":



for the love of god no

The man who would be king!


Here's another link confirming a direct-to-video sequel in the coming year. Also contains a few other interesting choices.

"My mother always said: Feelings are like treasures, so bury them." -Varla Simmons


Direct to video? I think that says all that needs to be said about a potential seqel.


I've read a draft of the script for the sequel. Pavia wrote it with Stephen King doing some revisions. It was, in my opinion, awful: an hour and a half of Katharine tracing a new vampire lead, twenty minutes of excitment, and a let down ending. You find out some interesting backstory on Dwight, but as a story it's pretty pointless.


ya it would be interesting to find out about the backstory of dwight, and why he became this vampire,


It might also be interesting to discover just who gave the go-ahead for another script to be written.


He became a vampire because he was in salem's lot before or after the change happened.


Well, here it is, March 2010, and no sequel. A further post confirms there was indeed a Mark Pavia script with Stephen King participation. We can only assume no studio backed the idea. It's already twelve years since THE NIGHT FLIER. Even if Mark Pavia could find Julie Entwisle, she's now 12 years older. The sequel is supposed to take place shortly after the ending to the first. Pavia would have to find another actress with short dark hair and dark eyes; probably not a hard task to accomplish, but then without the same actress it wouldn't be quite the same. Also Michael Moss who is Dwight Renfield, is older and has returned to Atlanta Georgia.

That's not to say a sequel will never be made, but it would be like starting over from scratch. A whole generation of movieviewers have grown up in the past twelve years who never heard of or saw THE NIGHT FLIER.

It would have been nice to have learned more about Dwight Renfield. THE NIGHT FLIER left that issue open for a sequel when Richard Dees found Renfield's old photograph album in the Cessna Skymaster airplane. The black and white photos indicate Dwight Renfield was of course, originally a normal human being who comes from the 1920s thereabouts. But something supernaturally evil transformed him into the vampire demon. The sequel could go a long ways by inserting the history of Dwight Renfield at the beginning. The photographs indicate Renfield was an avid aviator. Perhaps in his flights around the country or even the world, he came into contact with that supernatural evil fate. Renfield also had a beautiful young wife. We'd like to know her story, too.
