MovieChat Forums > The Night Flier (1998) Discussion > Great movie ! My opinion!

Great movie ! My opinion!

alrite, this topic just reveals my opinion about this movie. My English ain't super, so i'll do my best! If ya havent seen the movie, dont read below, there's some spoilers. So here goes :

The night flier was on television in my country few weeks back. The movie got a 3-star rating out of 5 in my tv-magazine. The description of the movie didnt sound bad either. "A guy who flies at small airports and kills people, leaving the impression that he's a vampire. Reporter Dees goes after him to reveal the so-called night flier".
There was a small picture of the Night Flier ( his monster form ) which got me interested. I thought it looked real creepy.
So I really got excited and curious about this movie and decided to watch it. And I sure didn't regret it! I really think this movie is a great one !!

Richard Dees being the a$$hole reporter....he acted so cool! Gotta love that raw sounding voice too! My girlfriend studies journalish and she said he was this really typical reporter guy. Miguel Ferrer did some good acting here....he sure carries the movie. The movie itself was tense, exciting and very suspenseful! The little clue's Dees discovers, the strange-sounding stories of the local people to the actual killings by the Night flier. I really enjoyed this movie a lot! Also becuz it had this grainy-looking images ......It felt like i was watching a good ol' 80ies horror-flick! Awesome!
The character Night Flier is pretty fascinating. Especially when Dees recovers the photograph book. I really wondered how Dwight Renfield's life was before he became the monster. Too bad it never gets revealed. It stays a mystery which is quite cool too. You always want more if given less.

I think the ending was brilliant!!
toilet scene: total sickness to see the night flier piss out his victims, haha! The dialogue between Dees and nightflier was pretty scary. Especially when NightFlier demands to open his camera ...."NOW !!". It sounded really threatening. Also the camera work was superb. Great usage of depth of field here. Keeping the Night flier in blurry background was really left you wondering and it was mysterious aswell.

I also loved the music played when Richard Dees was getting shot. You see the close-up of the human-form of the nightflier. He looked so ....i dont kinda depressed and sorry. There was a real emotional expression on his face which is actually hard to describe.

The end, Dees was dead....he wanted frontpage so much....but actually turned up on frontpage after all ! Such irony ! its so cool !
Jimmy got what she wanted too. I think the ending was really good. I didnt expect it actually....

Long review, i know....but I really love this movie.
Just two more things which left me questioned or bothered me:

1) What was the dirt underneath the plane and in the plane itself? Some "inside view" magazines were lying on the dirt in the interior of the plane. So what was the dirt actually? And why was it underneath the plane? ( I havent read the book, maybe its explained in there?)

2) I kinda feel that they should have left out the NightFlier's face when it came to screen first time. The big roar made it looked cheesy. While it didnt look that cheap when he just walked around and didnt move his mouth. Bit tricky, but they could have made his face look better with that roar-part. But that's just my opinion.

Overall : A great classic horror movie with a cool twist at the end. The movie leaves you wanting for more. A sequal wouldnt be that bad i think. But then again, it's so creepy mysterious this way. A sequal would maybe ruin it.


Check my 8-bit Vanilla Sky end-scene remake at:
Ciao !
