Did Tina die???

They never explain where she went at the end like they did with every1 else , it never showed her get out the club when they blew it up either , thats a damn shame cuz she was FINE!


I hear you man. She was the second finest woman in the whole entire movie. I think she ran out when St Louis, and his boys came into the club. I don't know if that really happend but I'm guessing thats what happend to her.

I always tell the truth even when I lie-Tony Montana (Scarface)


Who was Tina?


The bartender who was friends with Diamond.


I always wondered that! I hope she made it out safe and sound.


That sext Bartender when She Asked Fat Jo-Jo did he wanted some Slim Fast, and he Told her Doggy Dog*, Yeah man, I was wondering too about did she got out of the club, I was watchin this so many times 2 years ago, still cant figure out.


Yes, she made it out ok. I know , because she showed up in "Baby Boy" a few years later. :)



I believed she survived, because if she didn't, Diamond would have mentioned it in the beganning of the movie.


The only one that seem to bite it was Dollar Bill. It looked like everyone got out from one exit or another. The club looked empty before they blew it up.

You get Superman in a truckstop men's room, you won't need kryptonite to bring him to his knees!"


P.S. She was in "Don't Be a Menace..." as Dashika ("That's Swahili for Doggy Style!"). LOL!

You get Superman in a truckstop men's room, you won't need kryptonite to bring him to his knees!"


It is very likely that Tina died in the explosion. Consider the following:

When St. Louis takes the first shot at Dollar Bill and he pulls Tina to the ground, the shot sets off a small explosion over Dollar and Tina's heads. Dollar then leaves Tina behind the bar and runs out the side door. Principles of foreshadowing tell me that Tina was the only one "left behind" in the club when it blew up.

There is a tan BMW parked outside the club when it blows up. Given the way it was featured in the opening sequence and the explosion scene, I believe that the BMW was in fact Tina's car.

After Dollar Bill is stuffed in the trunk by "the fools" and driven off to get popped, the camera cuts back to the club, with shots of the aftermath a fight (dressing room) and a shooting (main area) These shots appear to be from Tina's POV. The last shot in this sequence shows the door leading upstairs from the dressing room. Immediately following these shots is the explosion scene, with the tan BMW parked very close to the building.

Diamond says at the end "I loved the players club for providing a way for women to reach their goals in life. But I hated the players club for all the girls it destroyed in the process" This quote, combined with all the foreshadowing and the fact that we get no update on Tina, is proof enough for me that she died.


I forgot about Tina I didn't know her name but I was wondering what happened to her. Its been a minute since I watched this movie and I'm watching it now.


Whatever, dude.

There's nothing conclusive that says she died, and because of that we're going to (happily) assume she got out.

The REAL question is, did Reggie (played by Ice Cube) shoot anybody when those Miami boys threw his ass out the window, before XL came over and stole his ass. Who the hell was he shooting at? Oh, that's right. He don't know because he was stumbling and shooting with his eyes closed.

It was cool that he stood up for his boy, but pulling a gun and blindly shooting was a b**** move, almost as bad as him INSTIGATING the rape. They should've given his ass a year just for that.


I think Tina lived but after a point her presence was totally irrelevant. I think if her part was much bigger, there would have been some kind of reference to her. Though that analysis the other guy did was interesting, I think it was reading too much into it and she looked good but it sounds like the dude doing the over analyzing wanted to marry her. No disrespect, I feel you though besides her and the main girl all the women in this movie seemed nasty.

As for the qoute about all the women getting destroyed in the process, that hit home for me. I used to hang out in spots back then and would see perfectly well rounded women do nothing but strip for a living, even if they were capable of so much more. Not that I endorse stripping, but if you are going to do it, get out of that scene real quick before you get turned out by that lifestyle and then you end up doing it until you old and can't do it anymore.


I think she lived and no one got hurt except Dolla. Remember after he shoots up the place there are numerous flashes of different places in the club showing it is empty.

Clark Kent + Lois Lane 4ever
DC Can Suck It


I know this thread is super old but how did y'all know her name was Tina? I don't remember anyone calling her by her name and I own this movie and have seen it a million times. Lol. I guess I always miss the part where they say her name, but I do know who you're talking about though.
