1. Master P. is credited in being in this film, who was he?
2. Why was Tricks arrested for the rape of Ebony? She was not present during the crime. If anybody should be arrested, it should be those guys at the party they could have stopped Junior they knew damn well what he was doing!!
3. And when Diamonds was screaming and struggling to get Myron from her door, how come Ebony and Lance didn't hear her? They should been dressed and at the door all that time.
4. Whatever happend to Myron anyway?


good questions...i was wondering the same thing about tricks!



Thank you for responding. I never could figure out those four situations in this movie, but still a great film.


Contrary to the other response you received (saying Master P was only on the soundtrack and not in the film) - I actually had thought I recognized him in the film at one stage (not sure when now) but upon checking IMDB he is indeed credited as though he had a 'blink and you'll miss it' bit-part.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't just on the soundtrack?
I'll have to look harder next time!



#1. I don't remember when and where but I did see him in this movie. I was like you and wondering why he was credited for being in this movie. He has a really small blink and you will miss him part. If I remember correctly he's a patron in the club, it's not even a speaking part. I don't know why he was credited at all, he was more like an extra.

#2. I assumed she was taken in for questioning. As far as the people at the party, the police wouldn't have known who was there at that point. It was really too early. During questioning the police would find out who was there but at that point they really didn't know what had happened except for an "alleged" rape and assault.

#3. I asked the same thing in another thread.

#4. Really good question.

In too old to be politically correct, Imma be real. Take it or leave it.


1. He was in for about 2-3 seconds, with a stripper on his lap....probably trying to run game or something.

2. Tricks was momentarily 'guilty by association' since they know she runs with Ronnie. She probably just had to sit in there 'bout an hour, until the truth came out, and they probably let her go. That's how it is sometimes when you're known to roll with the wrong crowd.

3. They probably should have heard her, but maybe didn't hear her ENOUGH to stop what they were doing. It did kinda seemed like they just pulled apart a few seconds before she busted in. Maybe they weren't sure of the noise, kinda like a 'What was that noise?' moment.

4. Myron probably gave up after she slammed the door in his face. Went back to his car mad. If he hadn't left right away, those shots probably had him hauling ass right after.


1) A lot of rappers had bit parts if they were down with Cube and Master P was down with Cube. Mack 10 had a small part as one of the guys assisting the "Make it Pop" sound guy who got Chi Town (Bernie Mac) in the end. A bigger question was why didn't Luke have one of his 2 Live Crew friends with him and who were those guys with him?

2)Tricks was arrested because she was more or less an accessory to the crime. She was with the other girl who was in the case as well. You know how cops are in the South, they dont play, they will run in everybody who looks guilty LOL

3)Good question, I was thinking the same thing, but really there wasn't enough time, dude may have been up in it when he heard the commotion, and you know how it is if "it" feels right. LOL.

4)Myron was probably mad because he wasted alot of money on a stripper and he's a lonely little geek with no life and his only outlet was with Diamond in the strip club. Its a rough lesson when you learn that your favorite stripper really doesn't like you, but when you get over it, you find out that you simply move on and find another stripper to waste your money on. Better yet, maybe he stopped going to strip clubs, found a nice girl, got married and lived happily ever. Now that sounds like a happy ending! LOL.
