Two Questions( Spoilers)

What ever happened to Lil man and Reggie? I know it says they were last seen at a strip club in Atlanta and never heard from again but that doesn't really let the audience know what happened to them? Do they die? Also, did they bartender die i know dollar bill pushed her out of the way when st.Louis was shooting. but she seemed pretty tipsy. Seeing that Brooklyn blew up the club.


well, its not clear of there whereabouts, so, they leave u thinking they went and opened their own place. and the rest is up to your imagination. and i wondered too what happened to the bartender. they didn't even give u any hints for her.


Lil Man ran a strip club and Reggie was hanging out at another club (With his friend Clyde). Dollar Bill was never heard from again. It looks like Tina, the bartender may have gotten out with everyone else (Other than Dollar Bill, there is no mention of anyone else dying), plus you see the club empty before it was blown.

You get Superman in a truckstop men's room, you won't need kryptonite to bring him to his knees!"
