quick question

I 've never seen the whole movie just , chunks , mostly of the end.

Why did ice cube perusade junior to go rape ebony?

he also had his friend go get rid of ronnie so he could do it?

Any help will do?



i saw that, but he tells his friend to get rid of Ronnie, and then tells junior, but when he leaves he says

tell ebony were sorry, no do mean no" or something like that. he said it nonchalantly like he didn't care about what was happening.



oh ok, so he was kind of upset about before. It still looked to me like he knew what junior was going to do, because he lied to him about what had happened. Thats just my perception of the scene. I thank you for answering my questions.



Hey Jawsfan,
I know your post was ages ago, but I was just in the message board anyway and thought I'd offer an alternative response to what you first received...

I think Cube's character knew what he was doing when encouraging Junior to have a last night of 'bachelor fun'. Still angry that Ebony 'acted a tease' previously, and having just been dissed by her again at the party, he wanted to teach her a lesson - his plan being to set a sexually charged (and intoxicated) man on her with promise of an easy lay, knowing she would undoubtedly refuse and Junior would overpower her and 'take it' anyway.

You can perhaps see a look of evil as he listens at the door, knowing his plan would be fool-proof with Ronnie temporarily out the way. His comment about 'no really meaning no', as you say was very nonchalant as he exited the motel. To me, this was to smugly acknowledge his awareness that she'll be forced (as intended) and the blame can't really come back to him. He didn't care that Ronnie would soon find out that any kind of sex was taking place with Ebony - if he did then he wouldn't have made that remark in front of her when he left - he just needed her out the way first so the plan would work.

I'm sure having likely watched the whole film now, you've made your own mind up about this scene, but I think your initial interpretation was more accurate than that of the person who responded to your post last year. Bye ;)


well thanks for your response, and yes having seen the whole film, it seemed like a revenge move.

He Knew what would happen and wanted to get back at her.

I know it's been a while too, just revisiting old posts.
