MovieChat Forums > The Relic (1997) Discussion > What happened to the two boys?

What happened to the two boys?

The last I saw of the two boys were when they were walking down the stairs, look up and the camera comes zooming down on them.

And then no mentioning of them before after one of the cops shoot the homeless rapist/could-be killer, with something along the lines of "sounds like what those two boys saw".

I was watching this on LaserDisc so maybe a scene is missing from that release, or did it just make no sense?
I was also wondering how noone seemed to have reported the kids missing, since they were last seen on a museum haunted by a serial killer.


I'm watching it on Netflix right now and they totally glossed it over too. Pretty sure when I had it on DVD it showed the kids getting killed. Heck I even saw in the theater and I remember it differently


They are shown briefly with (I assume) their parents when the police show up to deal with the security guards death. They are only shown for a second. Blink & you'll miss them.

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!


It's only a few seconds, but you see them sitting together both in shock as the detective is walking towards the bathroom, where the guard was killed! - There was another movie called MIMIC, where two boys are in a subway tunnel, trying to find a bugs nest and both are killed!


I was reading up on this movie on Wiki, and the novel it was based on as well. In the book, the two boys are the first to be killed in the museum, with the guard's death a bit later. I wish they'd have kept the kid's death, as that makes it more chilling, but I suppose the death of kids is taboo in film. Anyhow, in the film, the kids are seen talking to the police the next day after the guard was killed.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Mimic came out around the same time and features a pretty gruesome scene of kids being killed. Its not Taboo, just not as common.


After the stairway scene the next morning when Lt. Vincent D'Agosta enters the museum to investigate the murder of the security guard killed in the bathroom you see the kids inside sitting on a bench surrounded by what seems to be the parents and a lot of cops. Then Lt. Vincent D'Agosta passing them by tells a female officer that he wants them both (the kids) taken to the 15th (I'm guessing precinct) for detailed statements with the presence of a psychologist. That scene takes like 9sec.


In the book they die and I believe are the first as others have mentioned.

In the movie you hear the thing breathing and them on the stairs and then you see something zoom towards them with the crazy music and it cuts away. Later on the boys are seen being interviewed by I think the cops.

My thought is the original cut had the boys dying, but then the producers thought it wouldn't go over well with audience (or actually didn't with test audiences) so they cut it. Hence leaving the weird scene where something appears to be coming towards them but nothing happens.


My thought is the original cut had the boys dying, but then the producers thought it wouldn't go over well with audience (or actually didn't with test audiences) so they cut it. Hence leaving the weird scene where something appears to be coming towards them but nothing happens.

If I am not mistaken, the police think that the homeless guy they killed was the one that the kids encountered. That may be how they tried to explain the earlier scene after possibly changing their minds about killing the children, as you suggested may have happened. Certainly, the scene in the stairwell seemed very much like that of the monster as opposed to some homeless guy. I wish they'd have kept the death of the boys in the film. I adds to the horror and the whole scene works better with it than without it.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Yah I think they changed it to that but there was the weird wheezing and the way it zoomed in on them made me think the thing leaped at the boys. Certainly some old homeless guy wouldn't leap at them off a stairwell lol.


Yah I think they changed it to that but there was the weird wheezing and the way it zoomed in on them made me think the thing leaped at the boys. Certainly some old homeless guy wouldn't leap at them off a stairwell lol.

Pinning the guard's grisly murder on the homeless guy was really contrived and weakened the story considerably. The guy had apparently made a "home" in the museum but decided to commit a heinous murder "after" the boys see him.


You have LaserDisc? Jealous.

 me.
