
I'm no chemist so I wont even begin to say I knew what she was up to at the end when the creature was chasing her and she was grabbing chemicals and dropping some on the floor and mixing others. I had no problem with the creature catching on fire because of being doused with something flammable (although it looked like a Balrog and it didnt seem to care that it was on fire). but what made it explode?

Using words to describe art is like using a screw driver to cut roast beef.


There was an active explosion she and the thing were running from (well she was running from the thing and the thing was chasing her and an explosion happened behind both of them).

In Hollywood fashion, the fireball from the explosion slowly went down the corridor and she hopped into a metal container while the creature was exposed to the fireball.


And in typical Hollywood fashion, the moment an explosion touches something, it too explodes!  I really enjoy this film for what it is, but I always thought the monster exploding was silly. In reality the force of the explosion may have threw the monster forward, into or through a wall as flames engulfed it, but it wouldn't explode like it was full of gasoline!

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.
