fire doors

I'm not one to nitpick, but what architect thought it would be a great idea to install giant metal doors that trap everyone inside and keep rescuers out?

"Why the *beep* would I blow up Chick-fil-A? It's *beep* delicious."


This is one of those fictional cliches that would never (as far as I could imagine) make sense in a real-world setting. When they put in a contrivance like that, it does kind of take you out of the moment, reminding you that the writers are trying to find a method to start the madness.


The way I saw it, it was supposed to be security measure for the museum in case of a theft, that makes sense, no?


I saw it as a security measure to prevent or trap a thief. When all that happened the guards were in the control room talking about how many theft sensors were going off.

At that point I would've thought they considered that an obvious malfunction and overrode the automatic security but eh... the beast needed trapped food.
