Blu Ray Quality

I've always loved this film. Caught the end of it on tv when I was little and it scared me silly. Watched it a few years ago on Netflix Instant, loved it. Found the DVD used last week, bought it, and the picture quality is horrible. It's back on Netflix now so that's where I'm watching it in HD. I'm assuming the HD copy is the same transfer used for the Blu Ray. Can anyone attest to this? I was so excited to finally own it physically but the DVD had such muddy quality I can't bring myself to watch it. Is the Blu Ray worth a buy? If it's the same as the Netflix transfer, it's good enough for me.


I can't speak on the Bluray as I do not have it, but the Netflix transfer looked just fine. I didn't have trouble seeing what was going on.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Netflix and the blu ray seem to be same quality. Blu ray seems to be out of print now. I paid more then I should have for my copy...
