Underrated movie

I love this movie, in my opinion is one of the best "monster movie" ever made.
The Creature is so cool, the cast is great (Sizemore, Miller, Hunt).
There are many difference between movie and the book, but i loved the movie, and i loved the book.


That is if you could actually see most of the movie. Its the darkest movie I have ever seen...or should I say cant see. Its really bad when you cant see the movie because the lighting of the movie is so bad.


You just have not seen a good transfer that's all. Properly projected in the theater, there is plenty of clarity.

The Eyes of the City are Mine! Mother Pressman / Anguish (1987)


i saw this movie in the theatre in 1997 and i had no problems, the movie is dark but not too

ehy H2 haters, look this


Or he watched it on digital cable/sat. I don't know why but any time I watch a movie/tv show that has really dark black scenes, it always looks really pixelated & terrible. Not sure if that is the compressed signal or just the limitations of cable. Whatever the case, it's sometimes so bad that It makes a film damn near unwatchable.


Get your eyes tested dude


That is if you could actually see most of the movie. Its the darkest movie I have ever seen...or should I say cant see. Its really bad when you cant see the movie because the lighting of the movie is so bad.

This is probably why you should watch the movie with the lights off.

If you're watching it with the lights on, or if you're watching it during the day with the sunlight from the window hitting your screen, then of course you're not going to be able to see much of the movie and it also ruins the mood of the movie too.

There are some movies where it doesn't matter what the environment around you is like when you watch it, but there are some movies where it actually does matter.



I agree. Awesome film and neat looking creature as well!

"Death has come to your little town, Sheriff." Dr. Sam Loomis


I agree. It is an effective and underestimated monster movie.


Very much so.





Very Underrated; I rate it an 8/10.

"Speak of the Devil, and He shall appear."
