The Blaisedales?

Anyone have any idea what we are to think happens to the wealthy couple that Margo and Greg were trying to win over to fund their research? Mrs. Blaisedale cannot go down into the basement with the Mayor and Ann Cuthbert (Linda Hunt) to escape, so they stay behind with the two cops in the Main Hall.

We see the Kathoga kill the two cops, but only the Blaisedales clutching each other and recoiling in terror away from the carnage.

Yes, at the very end a police officer tells the Chief that there are "two bodies" in the Main Hall...but this could be the two guard cops we saw killed...or even the two paratroopers who wired down from the skylight only to be killed.

Just curious what others think...I would think since the Blaisedales were semi-important characters in the plot (in terms of people referencing them throughout), it just seemed there should have been more clarity...just wondering what others might think happened...Do they hide? Are they killed?


Those weren't paratroopers. They were SWAT.

All your base are belong to us.


I have asked myself the same question. Maybe the corresponding scene has been deleted.


Last time we see them alive is together with Greg Lee, when the policemen in the main hall are attacked. Both scream and clinch to each other, and Lee makes a run for it into the superstition exhibition (where he dies).

It is safe to say that afterwards the Kothoga kills the Blaisedales, because he hunted down everybody else, too. Furthermore, there's a "dead silence" scene just before the SWAT blokes abseil, in which the monster is shown waiting again in the main hall.


this is funny to find this thread so recent from such an old flick...I too was bothered that we don't know for sure what happens to them...but if I recall the dialogue..when the guys mentions finding two bodies he says something like 'a couple of old people' and something about them being really messed up or something along those I took it to be the lovely Constance Towers and her spouse. I would have to watch again to be sure...but that is what I recall


It killed them. Fangoria had pics of on set photos, before the movie's release. There was a picture of Mrs. Blaisdell's corpse, in the same gown she's wearing in the movie. I guess they cut certain death scenes from the final movie.
