MovieChat Forums > The Relic (1997) Discussion > Did they copy a woman’s scream from “Jaw...

Did they copy a woman’s scream from “Jaws”? *Spoilers*

In the scene towards the end of the movie, when the people are going through the water under the museum, the monster kills two people. The second person is a woman, and there is a part where she is screaming, and it sounds exactly like a scream in “Jaws”. The scene in “Jaws” I’m thinking of is when the fake fin causes a panic on the beach, and as everyone is racing to get out of the water, there is a quick shot of a woman holding a baby and screaming. Her scream sounds exactly like the scream when the woman is killed by the monster in “The Relic”. Since most sound effects are added later, and since film companies probably have a huge library of sound effects that use over and over again, I’m wondering if Paramount borrowed that particular scream for “The Relic”. What do other people think?


It wouldn't surprise me at all. Film companies do indeed have access to a database of various movie sounds, screams included. Two of the most famous of these are the 'Howie scream':

and the 'Wilhelm scream':

I'm sure they have several female equivalents.

*Those without a sense of humour are at the mercy of the rest of us*


Haha! When the monster kills that douchey Asian guy, I laughed my ass off when they inserted the Howie scream. You can't take that sound effect seriously, and I can't believe they used it.
