MovieChat Forums > Soul Food (1997) Discussion > Kenny bought the baby a computer?

Kenny bought the baby a computer?

Seriously? I know that they were trying to paint him as an excited father who wanted to dote on his new baby, and that this was the 90s and society as a whole wasn't as tech sophisticated as we are now...but that particular scene has always irritated me. Who buys a baby a computer? By the time she would have been old enough to know how to even turn it on/off, it would have been obsolete.


Maybe to get a head start on her being tech savvy. Also, they had two older children. They could've made them tech savvy at an early age as well.


I think maybe he was joking around. Maxie was holding the baby when Kenny came in so perhaps he was mentioning the baby b/c Maxie was right there with her.

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I don't like that scene either. Whatever kind of computer that was, it would have been useless by the time the baby could use it. They should have put more of a focus on his intention of it being for all the kids, the two older ones especially. But when the scene starts, Kenny is outside and he mutter something about "starting his shorty off right." That computer wasn't going to do Shorty any good. By the time she would have been able to use it, it would have been well past time to junk it for another.

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You guys are looking too far into this. Just some sloppy writing with a little 1997 product placement for a Macintosh Performa computer. Why would he come in name the brand and type of computer if its not product placement.


Back then, home computers still weren't as common as they are now.That's right it was a poorly executed symbol of investment for the baby's future, it should've been more like opening trust fund. It's also laughable that he said it included internet and email since you don't need to own a computer to access the internet or have email. But in 1997, everyone didn't have access to the internet at their fingertips like they do now. I remember using email for the first time in college in 1998 thinking i discovered gold.


Well in the TV series, a computer is shown in Ahmad's room. Not that kind of computer but it does kind of hint where it went since she is too young to use it.
