
You know, I really feel for this guy. He knows he made a mistake, and is trying to make his life better, but he has to face obstacles. When he did do his work, he did it quite well. It didn't help when that jerk at his job provoked him, leading to the altercation. If someone wants to leave the past behind and make a life for themselves, it is best let them do what they have to and not bring up the past.


I did feel sorry for him in the beginning but as I continued to watch this film, I became less and less so. Lem allowed a jerk to cause him to lose his job. Hopefully he later learned a lesson in self control. Noone made him attack this man in spite of what he said to him. People can say what they want. It is up to the listener to decide the best way to handle the situation and to physically attack someone because they spoke about the past or whatever is a poor choice.



When he did do his work, he did it quite well. It didn't help when that jerk at his job provoked him, leading to the altercation.

Lem was doing so well up that point, he shouldn't have allowed Simuel to provoke him like that. On the other hand, it was wrong of Simuel to make sure Lem knew that he got him the job as a favor to Bird, that was totally uncalled for and he kind of deserved what happened to him, though it was Lem who really ended up dealing with the consequences of his actions.


Samuel purposely pissed off Lem, hoping to break up his marriage to Bird, so he can have her for himself.


I lost all sympathy for the guy when he trashed Bird just because he got his ego bruised. He was way too agressive.

I'm not good or real. I'm evil and imaginary...


I would have done worst to Samuel and Lem had to blow up the spot. He handled that situation a lot better than I would have…”because I man is not going to give you anything for free”. He humbled himself and told her he lost his job…Bird was a good chick because she understood. That scene is exactly why I LOVE black women…Because she understood. But I digress; I would have drug her azz to the back and got the details of what happen. He grabbed her never hit her. I would have shook her azz (just playing…A little humor for the sisters)


Lem was a dope in other ways. Why is a parolee carrying around a handgun? A handgun he threatens people with in a public place!
"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


I think the way he reacted was natural.
