MovieChat Forums > Soul Food (1997) Discussion > Stupid disrespectful family

Stupid disrespectful family

Exactly. There were so many disrespectful incidents among this family that drove me crazy.
The disrespect at Bird's wedding (Lem dancing dirty with an Ex at a family function-- his UNION at that!) like what?!
Teri's boyfriend (or date) ending up marrying and having kids with her sister. Like what again?!
The skank cousin still eating and around after helping break the bonds of her cousin's marriage?
Bird still dealing with the ex for favors and him at the wedding too?
The grandma allowing skank cousin around to begin with after she dogged her out with her credit. She has 3 daughters and they're just gonna sit there and let her come in too?
It's one thing to weather storms together as a family which is obviously the point and moral of the story right? But this family and their dealings just made me too upset. Like, you. Can I get a plate to go!


The disrespect at Bird's wedding (Lem dancing dirty with an Ex at a family function-- his UNION at that!) like what?!

True. I don't blame Bird for being pissed off about that. Then again, her own ex-boyfriend was there too. The fact that someone's ex is at your OWN wedding period is flat-out rude and disrespectful.

The skank cousin still eating and around after helping break the bonds of her cousin's marriage?

Faith is still family regardless of what happened between her & Miles. By that point, Faith knew she wasn't wanted by the other adults. She only came by and ate with her because Ahmad invited her.

The grandma allowing skank cousin around to begin with after she dogged her out with her credit. She has 3 daughters and they're just gonna sit there and let her come in too?

Again, Faith is family no matter how much the sisters hated her. Even though they didn't like Faith at all, they kept their mouth shut around their mom out of respect. Teri did let Faith know what she thought of her, but that was only when her mother wasn't around.


"Family no matter what." Shouldn't Faith have been about that notion though? I just don't get it nor would tolerate it. They all looked at her with the side eye when she came back. And look at what she did when she came back.
You don't have respect for those who disrespect. Doesn't mean you're mean; just means you are responding accordingly. Shielding and protecting. Again, look at what happened when she re-entered... HELPED someone commit adultery. It's okay to protect family from enemies and wrong doers, even if that wrong doer is family. If my cousin did that to my family, she'd be ousted. Held accountable for their actions.


HELPED someone commit adultery.

Okay, I'll give you that. However, Miles could've said 'no' and not sleep with Faith. But with the issues he was having with Teri, he CHOSE to sleep with her. Even if Teri never found out about their fling, he had to live with the fact that he cheated on his wife for the rest of his life.




"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"
