MovieChat Forums > Soul Food (1997) Discussion > How can you Eat and enjoy with all that ...

How can you Eat and enjoy with all that crap going on???

I don’t know about YOU all, but I can’t sit and enjoy my meal while there is stress, anger and bitterness around the supper table. I love to eat and chit chat with family too but I’m sorry..if the skanky cousin were sitting across form me after she screwed my husband I would leave. Oh and that brat annoyed me in the end too! How can he sit there stuffing his face and make quiet “yummy” noises while his family sits and sends bullet stares at each other? He wasn’t 2 for crying out loud he was what 12?? Also, as someone pointed out in another post his mother (Maxine) was trying her version of keeping peace by making cousin skank stay knowing full well if that were HER hubby messing around they wouldn’t be having “dinner” together but it’s ok to throw it up in her sister’s face.
All that tension sounds like indigestion to me!! I’d pack my plate to go…yup this family needs some Dr. Phil and some PEPTO!!! LOL!


Who cares what you think?

Go eat a salad.


Go suck on your crack's a forum for comments you dumb ass!!




Ok, now that I am calm...both of you annoying children need to get off your mommy's computer if you dont' know how to have a constructive dialogue! The forums are here to have fun and to share and express OPINIONS good and bad and if you can't handle it...stay off the board!! if all you can come up with are 2nd grade level responses stay away from shiny electrical things like computers!
There should be an age restriction, even though I get better feedback from my 11 year old ...and my cat for that matter!
Now shoooo go away....


Whoa, what was all THAT about? (You don't have a bad track record, do you lomax?)

Story-wise, I think that Teri, Miles, Faith, and Bird were just waiting for the money, so that's why they weren't saying too much, even with the tension.

I think Maxine was trying to do what Big Mama would do that in the situation and try to mediate, and not do what SHE would do in that situation.

And Ahmad was trying to ignore the tension because he had managed to get everyone together, even though he knew he had done it the wrong way. (I've done that myself in drama-filled situations....)

Seriously though, if it were MY family, someone would have jumped over the table after 30 seconds.

Funny post, regardless.

This time, Effie White's gonna win.

Whitney was wrong. Children are no longer the future.



Thanks for the response! My hope in humanity has been restored!!! I have a pretty good track record Bookreader..I never experienced this before! I think the kiddies were let out of the school yard or the nuts were let out of the looney bin! LOL!

Yeah you brought you some great points...Bird told Maxie that Mama always thought of her as the responsible one, so she was probably trying to step into her mothers shoes. But I still think that if that were her hubby she would have reacted differently. Also, a good rule of thumb...NEVER NEVER I REPEAT NEVER have a cousin with a "past" live in your house with your husband. That is playing with fire for sure!!

After thinking about...I give Ahmad a LITTLE bit of slack because kids like seeing their families together, but he fed into their greed which got UGLY!

Yeah if that were my family someone would have dialed 911!!!!
Thanks again for the response!!!


I know it's only a movie but were it real life and family smelled smoke while eating - CALL 911, USHER THE KIDS OUT, ESCORT THE INFIRM UNCLE FROM HIS BEDROOM, and only attempt to fight flames if you have a means to contain them. Too many black folk die trying to fight home fires with small garden hoses, etc. They either succumb to toxic inhalation or get burned. Shame on wise old grandma for not having a smoke alarm.


I LIKED THE MOVIE PERSONALLY! Shoot,all families have tension so I am not as annoyed with the family problems as you, but I feel you on your criticism of Maxine. It AIN'T no way in *HECK* she would have allowed the mistress of her husband to be at her house eating her food. I think some of the reason she made this happen is because the cheater IS still family(unfortunately)and she felt like family needed to set aside differences and focus on her mom,(even though I thought her acceptance of some of this was out of spite too even though Terry could be annoying) but again I wouldn't be surprised if she did not allow this if the shoe was on the other foot. Anyway the film was still VERY GOOD to me though and the boy was trying to have the family make up precisely since the family had so much drama going on! He also did it to make his grandma proud by carrying on grandma's tradition of keeping the family together through having dinner together!


LOL, yeah. Personally, I hate eating in groups anyway. When I was a kid, it was expected to eat at one of my grandparents', but I was always uncomfortable. I much prefer to eat alone.


Will you be my mom?


I wouldnt agree to eat a Sunday dinner knowing my husband slept with my cousin. That scene was just ridiculous. Why was it so damn important for Ahmad to start trouble by having a Sunday dinner.


Many moons ago, I had a friend whose father always stayed in an upstairs bedroom. His meals were left in front of the door and he'd set the empty tray out. If he thought there was too much noise downstairs, you'd hear his cane thumping hard on the floor. I only met him once, I think it was Christmas Day. He didn't look ANYTHING like I'd imagined. When I saw this film, I was shaking my head thinking "The uncle is just like Mr. M!"

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"


Maxine didn't throw it in her sister's face, Bird did. The one time my opinion of her lowered.


Exactly. There were so many disrespectful incidents among this family that drove me crazy.
The disrespect at Bird's wedding (Lem dancing dirty with an Ex at a family function-- his UNION at that!) like what?!
Teri's boyfriend (or date) ending up marrying and having kids with her sister. Like what again?!
The skank cousin still eating and around after helping break the bonds of her cousin's marriage?
Bird still dealing with the ex for favors and him at the wedding too?
The grandma allowing skank cousin around to begin with after she dogged her out with her credit. She has 3 daughters and they're just gonna sit there and let her come in too?
It's one thing to weather storms together as a family which is obviously the point and moral of the story right? But this family and their dealings just made me too upset. Like, you. Can I get a plate to go!

