MovieChat Forums > Soul Food (1997) Discussion > Memorializing the grandma by eating the ...

Memorializing the grandma by eating the same food that killed her

How do you all feel about this? Don't you think "Big Momma" would have rather had them gather around a more healthy dinner at the end of the movie?


This is the food that black people in America eat.


Stereotyped black food you mean Evasive. I'm black and I hardly eat any of that crap. That food is mostly southern food..not black food. Southerners in general love chicken and all that nonsense. I know, I live in Mississippi.
A stolen kiss is better than a legal one.


I know what you mean. I'm a West Virginian and when I was growing up, my grandmother would fix friend chicken and mashed potatoes loaded with butter and gravy every Sunday. Nowadays, I hardly ever eat that sort of thing (I was offered a piece of fried chicken the other day and turned it down; all that grease made me sick to my stomach).


Stereotyped black food you mean Evasive. I'm black and I hardly eat any of that crap. That food is mostly southern food..not black food. Southerners in general love chicken and all that nonsense. I know, I live in Mississippi.

What do you mean "stereotyped"? Something can't be stereotypical unless it has truth in it. And the truth is lots of blacks in America eat these kinds of food. Every Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July, etc. this is the kinda food my Granny and aunties make. My entire family is from the south, my dad just so happened to move to California 10 years before I was born. Most black families have southern/mid-western roots because of Slavery. Soul Food arose from the scraps we were given by our masters, so we made due. How do you think the likes of Chitlins, Hamhocks, and Gumbo came about? I don't eat it everyday, but for someone to claim to be from Miss., you sure sound ignorant.


Yes, they mentioned this in "THE BOONDOCKS"


This is the same argument in the funny cartoon The Boondocks. Its just a movie.


Haha, thats why I looked up this movie, cause that episode is on.

Don't read this


There are plenty of healthy soul food recipe books out there. It would have been nice to see them in the kitchen making healthy alternatives. My mother makes delicious and healthy soul food. Plus, it's fine if you only eat it once or twice a year at the holidays, but every Sunday is too much.

Huckabee 2012!!


How do you all feel about this? Don't you think "Big Momma" would have rather had them gather around a more healthy dinner at the end of the movie?

Hence the gathering of SUNDAY DINNER!!!! If you noticed, they were not eating like this constantly. Sunday Dinner is a tradition in my family and it is nice to get together and share a meal. Most of it does consist of the old school family recipes (fried foods (chicken, fish) mac n cheese, etc...) but there are also healthy selections as well because everyone who comes, always brings a dish of their choice + we have family members who are up in years and their diets are more regimented so they don't indulge much.

If we ate like the Joseph family 24/7, we would be in bad shape. Eating like that once a week is really not going to do any damage to you.

I don't think Big Momma would have had it any other way. She enjoyed her family being together - doing what she loved best.



I really don't get how "soul food" is associated with African Americans only. There were just as many poor whites during the period of slavery in this country. They were eating the sames foods and preparing them the same way as the slaves. Fried chicken, smothered pork chops, cornbread, mac & cheese, collards, sweet potatoes, etc are all things my family has prepared for generations. I'd say it's more of a southern thing than an African American thing. Just my opinion.

And eating these foods once or twice a week isn't going to kill you. I'd rather eat these foods than fast food or nasty prepackaged/frozen foods. I say bring on the butter and pork fat! Southern cooking rocks!


Sorry but eating unhealthy food once or twice a week IS bad and will kill you! Now a couple of times a year for Holidays is fine but not every single week.


What doesnt kill you? You could die in your sleep tonight for no reason, i rather enjoy my life and know for what i die.



I have to respectfully disagree. I don't eat fast food, packaged or frozen food. I prepare all of my meals from scratch. I eat mostly vegetables, fruits, grains, seafood and a few meats. I'm also active. How is adding some butter or pork fat any more unhealthy than someone eating a frozen pizza or a burger and fries from a fast food chain and sitting around on their arse all day? It's all relative. I can eat the foods I eat because I'm not sucking down nasty preservatives, HFCS, excessive sodium, and other chemicals with my food.


True but we all know that pork can raise your blood pressure just by eating it once.



Hmmm I dont know about it killing someone who eats it once or twice a week. I can only speak of what I know is true of my family. My great-grandmother lived into her nineties my grandparents are in their eighties. They mostly ate/eat soul food. Seems to me that we are probably going to end up doing more damage from fast and processed foods. With that being said you better get up and do some major exercise to put that food too work. This sedentary lifestyle we've adopted is doing the real damage.


. I'd say it's more of a southern thing than an African American thing. Just my opinion.

......and where do you think the majority of African Americans comes from? Most slaves were in the south. Its an African American thing because the poor whites weren't slaves. For white people its southern food.


I agree it is more a regional thing i.e. southern than black food per se. My grandfather came from Louisiana, and as Sir Mix A Lot says, red beans and rice didn't miss me, lol. But even white people in Louisiana are familiar with the staple of red beans and rice. And FYI, my grandfather ate fatty and greasy foods all his life and was also a smoker but he lived well into his eighties. It may not be healthy, but it is damn good food. Give me some chicken and macaroni and cheese and peach cobbler any day. I'm careful in general what I put into my body these days, but what's will be the use of living an extra twenty years if I haven't enjoyed a single meal :)




What a stupid, stupid topic.


the only thing these people were missing was orange soad and watermelon slices.
