MovieChat Forums > Soul Food (1997) Discussion > I really dislike the kid on the series. ...

I really dislike the kid on the series. ahmad in the movie was better

Anyone else agree.


Totally agreed. Ahmad was terrible on the show. He came off like a brat who needed to be slapped. The film version of Ahmad was stary-eyed and charming.


Definitely agree. Ahmad in the movie was soo adorable and so believable. He's a pretty good actor, pulled of that character nicely. You cried when he cried, laughed when he laughed. You couldn't but feel bad for him being stuck in the middle of the family mess. My favorite character (possibly even actor) from that movie. Don't get me wrong there were a lot of fine brothas whose acting were great (Lem, Kenny, Miles, Blimp even if i didn't like him lol).

Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will worry about itself
