Series or Movie

I loved the movie. I think the series is good to. The movie is better to me though. Damn look how similar vanessa and nicole are. They nailed terri's character down. vivica and vanessa both are pretty strong women who i think i cant think of their character name right now. And nia and melinda both have that sweetness to them that made bird your lil sister.




I guess I am the only one who liked the series better. Its due mostly to the fact that since it lasted a lot longer (over 5 years) you got to know and recognize the characters and see them grow. All the characters were well developed and nice looking. I will miss the series terribly. Its a shame when they pull the plug on a decent black drama. And they keep the garbage comedies on forever.


Both are mediocre, but actor for actor the television series is better. In the film, Vanessa L. Williams was stiff and one-dimensional as Teri. On the other hand Nicole Ari Parker brought greater nuance to her performance. Vanessa E. Williams in the series is also better than Vivica A. Fox in the film. Vanessa seemed much more like a real person than just an archetype. As far as the two women that played Bird, they are both about the same. Also, being a series, it gave us more time to get to know each character.

While I didn't hate the film, SOUL FOOD was unimaginative and perpetuated familiar stereotypes about the black family and black women in particular. This was most apparent in the casting of the film including the casting of a larger woman as the matriarch (Irma P. Hall being the 1990s version of Claudia McNeil, the ubiquitous black matriarch of the 1960s). When was the last time you've seen a petite black woman play a matriarch in a film? Estelle Hemsley in TAKE A GIANT STEP was a notable exception, but that was almost 50 years ago.


Yes, I see what you mean. Black woman lawyer married to a lawyer (who is also an music artist), young black woman as an entrepreneur, young black hardworking father supporting his wife and three children, young black man, an ex-con ultimately recognizing the need for hardwork, choosing not to run the street but be with his wife.

And the matriarch, hard working supportive of her husband and family through thick and thin. The traditions she held kept her family together even when she was gone.

And, of course most grandmothers (black or white) are size 6 right? Excuse my sarcasm, but it really bothers me when blanket statements are made, particularly when there is a failure to aply qualify the generalization.

It was a good movie, that is generally accepted, it may have some flaws, but the flaws pale in comparison to the good points and overall message.


I like Both. However, if I had to choose, I would choose the series. I got to know them better as a weekly series.


I loved the movie mainly because Vivica was in the movie. But I would have to admit the TV series was more interesting.


i never got to see the tv series but loved the film so true to life


I personally loved the movie better. I loved all of the actors and actresses that were involved and understood the message about families sticking together through rough times, which to me made it a great movie. I tried to watch the series, but it never really did anything for me. I never understood all of the hype surrounding it, I felt they should have left well enough alone. I will give it its props for being a black drama since that is a rarity, but that's about the only thing that was good about it in my humble opinion.


In Response to IBOCHILD

I just read this post so i apoligize for my response being 3 years late. lol but in response to Ibo, I must say i have to strongly disagree. not only did the movie no perpetuate stereotypes, it showed the black family with depth and creativity. As for the actors, you cannot just say that the characters were played one dimensional in the movie, without realizes that on a show there is a lot of room to build your character weekly as oppose to in a 2 hr period for a movie. Now as far as Big Mama, first of all thats not a stereotype. How many petite black grandmas do you know. im black and i know my grandma as we all my family and friends are not small women. Therefore its very realistic. She did not fit into the "mammy" stereotype but rather in the loving grandmother who tries her best to keep her family together despite drama.

As far as the show vs. the movie.

I have to say I prefered the movie actors. Perhaps just becuase I loved the movie so much and they were the original actors who first drew me into this world.


I enjoy BOTH

I admit when the series first premiered, I didnt even want to watch it because they used new actors

BUT later on I watched it, and I LOVE IT. That is my one of my favorite shows and I'm upset it ended.

They continued the movie by doing the series well. They brought major issues in the black community that people were afraid to show on TV!

And the movie is short how can u compare the resemblance. I will suppose that after Bird had the baby, things will change, and they showed that great in the series

On a personal note I Thought Lem(Darrin Henson) on the TV show was way more attractive than Lem(Mekhi Phifer) in the movie


I wasn't sure if there was a coherence between the movie and series, but guess i knew that there was a series with the same title. (didn't know it ran for years though. thought it was a one season series, or something.) i was wondering, why did they go with entirely diffrent actors for the series?

lonesome journey,
travelling on my own, i'm in no hurry,
on this ground as the years go on,
you will find me around but always alone,
a dark shadow on a sunny street,
don't trust anyone that i meet,
on my lonesome journey across this world,
a destroyed view, a rugged shirt,
from town to town, i see lovers in a park,
a life other than mine, as i stay in the dark,
their eyes they see,
a man on a lonesome journey,
and when i'm old,
i bet i will have travelled every road,
but no reasonable sense will i see,
about my long, lonesome journey.


The Series. 100%

I liked the movie. I like the actors, but to me, it was acting.
I felt that in the series, it wasn't actors, they WERE the charaters.

I know you can't compare 2 hours to 4 years, but the series grabbed at my emotions, where the movie was entertainment.

Rarely does a series based after a movie do better, but to me, it is one of the only examples of that.

I loved the series and was sorry to see it end.
But, it was the catalyst for bring together Nicole Ari Parker and Boris Kodjoe



I like the movie much better, i've tried watch the series several times but could never get into it for some reason.

"Why... so... serious?"


I feel as if Vivica A. Fox character in movie was much stronger then in series.

