Good Movie

I would like to own this movie but never really had the great desire to buy the dvd. I even saw it doesn't really that much special features. But I would like to say that this is a good whole-some (not really according to the family rating) movie and it has values that is meaningful and like the music. I love the story of the grandmother and how she teaches her children and her grandchildren about respect and the main thing.... soul food on sundays. Hehehe....


If you can find it, get the book. Some key points are in it that aren't in the movie (Ahmad as a baby and Kennys job, which wasn't mentioned until the series.)


I've never seen the movie, but I've heard a few things about it, and the jist that I got out of it was that a large woman feeds her family every Sunday and eventually goes into the hospital because she goes into something like diabetic shock where they have to take an apendage. She eventually dies and the family has a meal consisting of the SAME FOOD that killed their mother. Does that not make any sense to anyone else or what? Seems kinda stupid if you ask me...


The Food didn't kill their mother, millions of people eat the same food everyday without dying.


This is oneof my absolute favorite movies that I could watch a million times and NEVER get tired of it. I just love it.
