Rose killed Jack

Rose had a seat in the lifeboat, but jumped out.

If she'd stayed on the lifeboat, Jack would've had the bit of floating wood to himself, and they'd both have lived.

He shoulda told her "Go find your lifeboat IDIOT!" and kicked her off the wood.


Yeah, well that's been brought up once every month for the last 20 years...


dumb bitch...


If Rose had stayed on the lifeboat, Jack probably would have gone down with the ship. Look at how calm he was when she was being lowered. She was safe and he had accepted that he was going to die. It was keeping her alive that drove him to fight for survival.


I see the Jack character as a person who had been living day to day by his wits for years. I don't see him as just resigning himself to a watery fate like Guggenheim did. I see him fighting to the end in the same way he did with Rose.

On the other hand, if Rose had stayed on the lifeboat, Jack might have stayed with Fabrizio and been killed the same as he was, or even giving up his spot on the wall section to save his friend if they both ended up in the water.

Either way, I still think the character Jack had a better chance if Rose stayed on the lifeboat.


That’s what makes it all the more the tragic.


She's as guilty as Eve in the garden of Eden.


It was a lose lose. If he climbed on his big round head would sunk them right then and there.
