MovieChat Forums > Virus (1999) Discussion > Curtis admitted it sucks

Curtis admitted it sucks

I read in Empire magazine the other day in an interview with Jamie Lee Curtis that she said "Virus was a piece of sh*t" or something.


I believe she would say that. It's just work/Paycheck at the time. Most actors that work on shi%#y films laugh about it after and even lampoon themselves about being in bad films. Good example is Ben affleck. He was on jay leno making fun of himself of gigli. Pretty funny stuff.


While I wont hold it against actors, if I became an actor I would only work on projects that I would be proud of afterwards. I enjoyed this movie, even if JLC didn't.


I wonder if this movie would have turned out to be a hit,if she would of said that??????!!!!!!YEa...



And somtimes actors sign up to do a movie because the script is sounds good and the filmmakers hype it up and then somewhere along the way the movie turns to crap. I always felt that was the problem with this movie. Bad editing, direction etc. I'm sure it looked much better on paper. Oh wait, comics were


Yeah, and her wonderful acting definently helped it out a bunch.

I enjoyed it...On a late Sunday night, piss drunk, eating some horribly made egg and toaster sandwich while sitting in your boxers, it's quite entertaining!

But the drunk nights of watching late crappy movies are over...all because of Adult Swim.





Yeah it was a load of crap. Looked fun to act in, though.


Perhaps she felt that way about it, but I really loved having her and Baldwin here in town while the filming was going on!
They were all over the Newport News area (Virginia). The film was mostly shot in the cities of Newport News and Suffolk.
The ship that was used (that was blown up in the movie) was actually a rusty thing towed from the "Ghost Fleet" of mothballed ships in the James River, and the ship was painted on one side to look good for the movie. When the filming was done, it was towed back to the mothballed fleet.


You know for a woman who was in Halloween: Resurrection she needs to shut the *beep* up and appreciate the paycheck.


Bones fans ---->


That's right Stu!


Ahahaha, I like her because she's so honest.


Doesn't surprise me, although she definitely didn't phone in her enthusistic performance. It's a fast-paced enough movie to just sit back and watch though. 2 is


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