Donald Sutherland

Wow, his attempt at putting on a scottish accent was horrible...

Did anyone else notice this?



It sounded more Irish, in fact I assumed it was meant to be Newfoundland. What was the flag he had in his cabin?


I cannot check, because I don't own the film, but on other topics it has been said that it's the flag of Bermuda: ( lags/newflags/bd-lgflag.gif).
Perhaps someone other can confirm this.


Me too, I'm a Newfoundlander actually. I assumed it was supposed to be some kind of East coast Canadian accent... if not Newfoundland, then Nova Scotian, Cape Breton or New Brunswick, etc. In any case, even though Sutherland is Canadian, it didn't sound very authentic.

Then again, I can't say I blame him for not trying. I mean, his friggin' character sides with the aliens that he knows full-well are harvesting human bodies for their own survival just because one of his subordinates PUNCHED him...once! It's hilarious.

I defend under-appreciated movies all the time, (I love Silent Rage with Chuck Norris, for example!) but I can't make an excuse for this. Yes, the practical effects looked good... but that's literally all it had going for it. As derivative as the premise was, (basically John Carpenter's "The Thing" on a boat) it could've been handled a lot better than it was.


It was treading the lines between the Newfie accent, the non-urban Nova Scotian accent, and the rural Maine accent. It was as if Sutherland was trying to channel how an English kid would eventually sound after living in North America for a few years.

In other words, it was a hilarious mess.


In other words, it was a hilarious mess.

Indeed it was, and that drunken tone just gave it enough depth to not be sure whether he's joking or not...

Only movies that are worth watching:


I do not think he was doing either an Irish or Scot accent!

Its that man again!!


Honestly didn't notice he was trying to do any kind of accent, but plays the nutcase very well.

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."


I never notice any accent!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.

