MovieChat Forums > Virus (1999) Discussion > Human Virus??? start with the rats first...

Human Virus??? start with the rats first idiot alien

the idea is of course intreeeequeing (I can't spell worth *beep* =) but, personally I think it should have taken all rats out first, then the football hooligans (soccer-hooligans to you yanks) and moved further up the ladder and killed all carneys.

btw, whats with all the pig noices in the movie? well ok, pigs sound scary at feeding time, I'll give you that.

but definately cool work on the animatronics.
I have respect for that - must have taken hellawu lot of work to make.


Nah, humans are the ultimate plague


humans ar way more dangerous than rats. and indeed the virus was right - we are desctructive,ect.
and i considered it as "horse sound" not as "pig sound"....


But for the title of your post, I'm not sure what you're really talking about(are you trying to say: intriguing? like: fascinating?)...but as far as idiots go, well rats and dumb-asses can't build space stations and computers---which is what the alien needed. Duh. Humans are the most destructive, plague-like force on the planet...'though evidently not all are entirely the smartest.




You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but MY opinion is I'd rather deal with rats than humans *any* day of the week.

Life is all about how you handle Plan B...
